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release FA

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268259.37 in reply to 268259.36
Date: 3/16/2015 10:06:12 AM
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You don't know who was in favor of that. It was seasons ago. It came from various levels.
FA rules with higher salary threshold was also asked by users in the past.
Had the wrong quotes, these are the right ones. You presented the current FA regime as requested by the users, you are therefore misrepresenting the situation by omitting when and why some managers requested that change. I highly doubt that the point made at the time would be still standing today or that any majority of users would back it.

And for clarity the change for the FA prices was done 3 and a half years ago. It was done for several reasons, but mainly because it caused deflation for the general market (ie. lower prices for all players given a skillset) and people did not want that. However back then sale "taxes" for the seller did not work like today, the game had 50k+ managers, you didn't have rules preventing new managers to bid on 250k/week players ecc ecc. It was a whole different set of rules and a whole different environment compared to today.

Perhaps we could ask Trainerman/Wolph if his points from back then still stand (since he was in total agreement with the BBs on the change, something someone will find hard to digest, I know, but look at this thread: (197331.1)).

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268259.40 in reply to 268259.39
Date: 3/17/2015 6:27:40 AM
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I understand that, I was just making a point with Perpete that making it look like the changes were driven by managers in the past is misrepresenting the current situation. I think we all agree that the FA should be used to stabilise the TL depending on the overall situation of the game.

As you correctly point out, the issue is also the cost of training. With a 25k a week trainer for 6 seasons you are looking at a cost of over 2 million. Which means 700k each for 3 trainees or 1 million for 2 trainees. The easiest way to incentivise training was to make it into a legit money maker. Now they have removed other options (TL trading), but the reality is that training vs banking and buying is not necessarily profitable even now, with current TL prices.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 3/17/2015 8:41:12 AM

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268259.42 in reply to 268259.40
Date: 3/17/2015 1:49:38 PM
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The easiest way to incentivise training [for day-traders] was to make it into a ... money maker.

Now all they need to do is make it logical within the context of a basketball sim.

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268259.43 in reply to 268259.42
Date: 3/17/2015 6:16:46 PM
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There we go with the 'obsession'!

Surely you could stick to the point. We were talking about training being profitable or not. It has nothing to do with day trading, it's a choice between training young kids into honest starters (say, like me and Trainerman are doing) or to forfeit training, save money and buy old guys already trained (say, like you have been doing Mike).

Now since we can all count, we can also estimate what costs are associated with training and we can compare the 2 strategies. So if you spend 2 million in training (which is a conservative number) for 2 trainees over 6 seasons, in order to be indifferent you need to sell the trainee (or add value to his skills) for at least that much. If you don't train you will have the 2 million cash (minus any salary you pay to players to fill roster spots instead of the trainees). It is debatable whether you can be indifferent in the current market environment, because as the prices for trained players have gone up so have the prices for trainees.

In the past it was most definitely more profitable cashing and buying than training.
