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Suggestions > Maximum Salary?

Maximum Salary?

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From: CitB

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70024.37 in reply to 70024.34
Date: 1/26/2009 7:20:25 PM
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i wont sell them anyway, just trying to figure out when the training starts being useless ^^

From: vonkrog

This Post:
70024.38 in reply to 70024.37
Date: 1/28/2009 10:57:50 AM
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Thats no good idea!
Please leave it like it is. I mean: Everybody knows, that if you have f.ex. an Center with inside skills with a sum of arouund 50, he´ll be expensive. If you´d make a sallerylimit somewhere over here, everyone would have sooner or later the sme player. Right now everybody hast to think, which skills he want´s to "pay" for his player - and that´s great and makes a lot of fun in BB, and everybodY has different players!

This Post:
70024.39 in reply to 70024.38
Date: 1/28/2009 11:02:33 AM
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not when the salary limit is pretty high ;)

And i was still thinking, that 200k will be a lot for a team even in future, but could be paid from a team which wouldn't go bancruptcy for a nationalplayer or waste their money in holding him some weeks till he get to another team which uses their money put aside

This Post:
70024.40 in reply to 70024.39
Date: 1/28/2009 6:19:04 PM
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what about the same procedure like it is with the potential: When a huge salary is reached, the speed of the wage raises slows down..

This Post:
70024.41 in reply to 70024.40
Date: 1/28/2009 7:39:33 PM
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what about the same procedure like it is with the potential: When a huge salary is reached, the speed of the wage raises slows down..

That's redundant.

Once a player hits his potential cap, his wages will be as slow to rise also.

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A CT? Really?
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This Post:
70024.42 in reply to 70024.41
Date: 1/28/2009 7:43:33 PM
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not definately some centers still improve their salary with the same speed, like they did before they reach the cap because a skill is much more worth then before.

This Post:
70024.43 in reply to 70024.32
Date: 1/29/2009 7:14:22 AM
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that just gives me more questions,
is allstar- potential not good enough? so 5 seasons training for my top-players wasted?
and is the softcap for all skills together or just for single skills.

Well sadly my old friend this is true and I just cant describe how this 'killed off' a lot of the interest for me a couple of seasons back. Just when teams like ours invested heavily in the top of the range trainee for the future we were then told sorry these guys that you've paid top $ for are going to be passed by with new higher potential players.

Taxes, no problem, training speeds er ok.... but this was essentially like announcing a brand new game. Oh well... I have 2 perennial guys now... but I cant imagine they are worth more than 2/3 skill ups more.... lets see!

This Post:
70024.44 in reply to 70024.41
Date: 1/29/2009 7:35:27 AM
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No, I meant this independent from the potential (only like it is there with the training effect). When very high wages are reached, a skill up only raises the salary 95%, 90% and so on...

This Post:
70024.46 in reply to 70024.45
Date: 1/29/2009 10:11:19 AM
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look up who i answered, for clarification

This Post:
70024.47 in reply to 70024.46
Date: 1/29/2009 2:15:49 PM
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Hey, see, i was just thinking like this:
A salery limit of 200.000 would be a little bit like reducing the limit of each skill down to 15 (marvellous).
Only difference: Saved time for bringing them to the limit.
But having a limit of 20 (legendary) allows to create more different players, and with that to use the different tactics better!

Thats why i wouldn´t like to have a salery limit, cause that would lead in the long run to the point, that all the very top teams would maybe have a C with IS, ID, RB and SB 20. And then there would be no specialized teams, less tacticall options etc.

Do you see my point?
And - what´s the big advantage for that you would take these disadvantages?
