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2314.371 in reply to 2314.369
Date: 5/25/2008 7:10:43 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
vendo dos jugadores de mi equipo!!! uno acaba hoy mismo dentro de nada!!!
pasaros por mi equipo y pujar!!!

This Post:
2314.372 in reply to 2314.1
Date: 5/25/2008 1:52:50 PM
Overall Posts Rated:

En este hilo podes anunciar a tus jugadores que estan en transferencia.

Transfiero una serie de jugadores por no poder atender:Ruego sean rápidos si alguno de ellos les interesa verdaderamente. Allá van sus habilidades:
Ala-pívot Seran Almoiña (5157854)
Sueldo semanal: $ 3 510
DMI: 8000
Edad: 18
Altura: 6'10" / 208 cm
Potencial: Estrella
Forma: respetable
Tiro: respetable Alcance de tiro: ridículo
Def. exterior: ridículo Manejo: regular
Penetración: horrible Pases: respetable
Tiro interior: regular Def. interior: pésimo
Rebotes: respetable Tapones: mediocre
Resistencia: pésimo Tiros libres: fuerte

Experiencia: pésimo

Ala-pívot Felipe Glimes (5145982)
Sueldo semanal: $ 2 244
DMI: 4700
Edad: 20
Altura: 6'11" / 211 cm
Potencial: Chupabanquillo
Forma: mediocre
Tiro: inepto Alcance de tiro: pésimo
Def. exterior: pésimo Manejo: regular
Penetración: regular Pases: inepto
Tiro interior: pésimo Def. interior: horrible
Rebotes: respetable Tapones: respetable
Resistencia: respetable Tiros libres: fuerte

Experiencia: pésimo

Pívot Marcos Hurtado (5157844)
Sueldo semanal: $ 3 081
DMI: 7100
Edad: 19
Altura: 7'0" / 213 cm
Potencial: Estrella
Forma: respetable
Tiro: pésimo Alcance de tiro: mediocre
Def. exterior: inepto Manejo: pésimo
Penetración: ridículo Pases: pésimo
Tiro interior: regular Def. interior: respetable
Rebotes: ridículo Tapones: regular
Resistencia: ridículo Tiros libres: respetable

Experiencia: pésimo

Ala-pívot Guillem Martínez Valle (5157848)
Sueldo semanal: $ 3 198
DMI: 6600
Edad: 28
Altura: 6'9" / 206 cm
Potencial: Allstar
Forma: respetable
Tiro: mediocre Alcance de tiro: horrible
Def. exterior: ridículo Manejo: regular
Penetración: mediocre Pases: horrible
Tiro interior: inepto Def. interior: respetable
Rebotes: inepto Tapones: respetable
Resistencia: ridículo Tiros libres: pésimo

Experiencia: mediocre
Gracias por su interés.

From: malecal
This Post:
2314.373 in reply to 2314.372
Date: 5/25/2008 2:45:14 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
se vende
Escolta Nic Upchurch (2206405) límite hoy 21:57:14
Alero Marcial Candian(3005838)límite hoy 21:40:29

Last edited by malecal at 5/25/2008 2:46:04 PM

This Post:
2314.374 in reply to 2314.373
Date: 5/26/2008 5:46:50 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Agis Petroutsos (804688)

30 min left!!!!

This Post:
2314.375 in reply to 2314.374
Date: 5/27/2008 6:37:28 AM
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I have some great players for sale!
A great all-around SF!
A high player, so young and so scorrer!
What an excellent scorrer in the F!

A nice PG
A very cheap Center

This Post:
2314.376 in reply to 2314.1
Date: 5/28/2008 11:51:47 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Vamos que no vamos, ala-pívot completito!!! Mírenlo oye!!

Drenor Pepa ((662238))
Propietario: Alcardete Sport

Sueldo semanal:
$ 4 150
DMI: 40900
Edad: 25
Altura: 6'8" / 203 cm
Potencial: Allstar *
Forma: excelente

Tiro: mediocre Alcance de tiro: inepto
Def. exterior: respetable Manejo: mediocre
Penetración: ridículo Pases: mediocre
Tiro interior: respetable Def. interior: fuerte
Rebotes: horrible Tapones: respetable
Resistencia: mediocre Tiros libres: regular

Experiencia: ridículo

La puja acaba esta noche!!

This Post:
2314.377 in reply to 2314.355
Date: 5/29/2008 2:09:44 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
En venta un pivot, gran pivots campeon de III y II, hoy en LNA

Eddo Delogu (2271050)
Chipote Chiyon A.C.

Salario semanal:
$ 8 188
DMI: 34800
Edad: 26
Altura: 7'0" / 213 cm
Potencial: AllStar *
Forma: fuerte
Tiro: espantoso Alcance de Tiro: desastroso
Def. Exterior: mediocre Dribbleo: desastroso
Penetración: respetable Pases: respetable
Tiro Interior: respetable Def. Interior: fuerte
Rebotes: fuerte Tapones: fuerte
Resistencia: espantoso Tiros Libres: respetable

Experiencia: espantoso


This Post:
2314.378 in reply to 2314.368
Date: 5/30/2008 6:11:02 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Roberto Arévalo Morales (2753541) Base
C.B. Altura

Sueldo semanal:
$ 3 728
DMI: 14300
Edad: 30
Altura: 6'0" / 183 cm
Potencial: Allstar *
Forma: respetable
Tiro: ridículo Alcance de tiro: inepto
Def. exterior: respetable Manejo: regular
Penetración: respetable Pases: mediocre
Tiro interior: pésimo Def. interior: respetable
Rebotes: respetable Tapones: regular
Resistencia: regular Tiros libres: horrible

Experiencia: regular

This Post:
2314.379 in reply to 2314.378
Date: 5/30/2008 3:13:18 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
José Campos (2385150)

Ordenado semanal:
$ 12 104
DMI: 67500
Idade: 20
Altura: 6'11" / 211 cm
Potencial: Super-estrela *
Forma: forte

Lançamento: respeitável Dist. de Lanç.: horrível
Def. Exterior: respeitável Drible: medíocre
Penetração: medíocre Passe: medíocre
Lanç. Interior: forte Def. Interior: impressionante
Ressalto: forte Desarme Lanç.: forte
Resistência: impressionante Lance Livre: medíocre

Experiência: tenebroso

From: barrich
This Post:
2314.380 in reply to 2314.379
Date: 5/31/2008 10:59:03 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Vendo jugador muy equilibrado por no poder incluirlo en los partidos.

Selmo Zayas Ponce (4319241)
Maccabi d Levantar

Sueldo semanal:
$ 3 697
DMI: 6700
Edad: 33
Altura: 6'4" / 193 cm
Potencial: Allstar *
Forma: mediocre

Tiro: mediocre Alcance de tiro: regular
Def. exterior: respetable Manejo: pésimo
Penetración: mediocre Pases: pésimo
Tiro interior: mediocre Def. interior: horrible
Rebotes: regular Tapones: regular
Resistencia: mediocre Tiros libres: regular

Experiencia: excelente

precio de salida 1000 euros

This Post:
2314.381 in reply to 2314.380
Date: 5/31/2008 11:43:07 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Center trainee
Quim Resende (((4727366)))

Weekly salary: $ 3 052
Age: 18
Height: 6'11" / 211 cm
Potential: perennial allstar

Jump Shot: pitiful Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: inept Handling: pitiful
Driving: pitiful Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: average Inside Def.: average
Rebounding: awful Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: awful Free Throw: awful

PF trainee

Neo Haustetter (((4595023)))

Weekly salary: $ 4 663
Age: 19
Height: 7'2" / 218 cm
Potential: allstar

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: pitiful Handling: average
Driving: average Passing: atrocious
Inside Shot: mediocre Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: mediocre Free Throw: inept

young pg backup

Jérémie Gombaud (((4665199)))

Weekly salary: $ 3 449
Age: 19
Height: 6'3" / 190 cm
Potential: starter

Jump Shot: mediocre Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: average Handling: inept
Driving: respectable Passing: average
Inside Shot: inept Inside Def.: inept
Rebounding: inept Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: inept Free Throw: average

SG backup

Héctor Azpeitia (((2440847)))

Weekly salary: $ 3 657
Age: 21
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Potential: allstar *

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: respectable
Driving: inept Passing: atrocious
Inside Shot: atrocious Inside Def.: inept
Rebounding: awful Shot Blocking: awful
Stamina: average Free Throw: inept

Experience: inept

maybe PF/C trainee

Maximilian Barger (((4595026)))

Weekly salary: $ 3 283
Age: 19
Height: 6'7" / 201 cm
Potential: allstar

Jump Shot: awful Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: average Handling: mediocre
Driving: inept Passing: awful
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: mediocre
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: mediocre Free Throw: mediocre
