ого, никогда не видел такую растительность на лице))
Вечор, ты помнишь, вьюга злилась,На мутном небе мгла носилась;Луна, как бледное пятно,Сквозь тучи мрачные желтела,И ты печальная сидела -А нынче... погляди в окно...
За сборную Нигерии вообще одни белые играют ))меня этот факт убивает))
За сборную Нигерии вообще одни белые играют ))
А почему его на трансфер не выкинуло? (23175851)
. И 19 летка с ростом 216 отлично бы за сезон подтянулся..
Free AgentsFree Agents have been "reinforcing" the player transfer market for a long time now. So long, we've all gotten used to them. The initial intention for them was to save some valuable players from BB oblivion (retirement), but, at the same time, they had their impact on player prices. Player prices for inside players have been especially hit (due to their higher salaries). To counter that impact, we've decided to raise the minimum salary for all player positions and change the fixed minimum salary to a variable one, based on those positions, effective immediately.So how does this exactly work? This means, specifically, that the new free transfer limit for players being released in the market from bot teams is changed from the fixed $10 000 to $12 000 for players with their best position determined as point guards while shooting guards have it raised to $14 000, small forwards to $16 000, power forwards to $18 000 and centers to $20 000. Bear in mind that those values are halved for players fired by active teams.We hope these changes will reinvigorate and balance the transfer market in the future, but since our economy is such a complicated and unpredictable system, we may decide to change these values again after we reassess their effect on the market. We wish you the best of luck with all your player transfers!