Ime prve lige ne moze da promeni LA nego mora da se salje zahtev nekome od BBovaca.
Ja sam upravo poslao zahtev da se naziv lige "Prva Liga Srbije" promeni u "Prva Liga" posto ce BB automatski da doda ime drzave kao prefix imenu lige pa ce onda da izgleda "Srbija Prva Liga" umesto sadasnjeg "Srbija Prva Liga Srbije"
u nastavku imate originalnu poruku koju sam prosledio BBovcima:
Naslov poruke:
Serbian League I.1 name change request-------------------------------------------------------------
Text poruke:
According to the (6256.144) we should now ask for league name change via ticketing system.
Can someone please update the name for Serbian league I.1 from "Prva Liga Srbije" to "Prva Liga"?
Current league I.1 name already has the name of the country included in it ("Prva Liga Srbije").
When displaying league name on the country page, BB automatically adds the country prefix to the league name so now we have "Srbija Prva Liga Srbije" displayed on the country page (country name is repeated).
Thanks in advance,
Nemanja (popeye91)-------------------------------------------------------------
Last edited by LA-popeye91 at 11/10/2009 12:02:06 PM