he isnt a rental
hell be with me the rest of the season
if anyone is going it may be ofek who is great but i dont need 3 big salaried bigs
im sure ne1 can look at Pawełs assists & see he cant pass which is a pity
but besides that he has it all, id wow, od nice, reb great, sb, is, dr, ha etc just a great player whos had 19.0 ratings before
& for $200K? only cause he was selling late in the week @ a bad time & his salary is a bit high
what i hope is 2 win enough games so i dont have 2 meet u in the relegation games :)
ive got a great run home last 7 games 4 @ home & the away r HA, WA & seagulls so i hope 2 win 2/3 of them