Scrolling Through LeaguesWhy can't we have two little arrows(one facing left and once facing right) on the league page somewhere that allow us to scroll through leagues. For example if im looking at league II.1 and I click on the arrow pointing right then I would go to league II.2. Once it gets to II.4 if I click on the right arrow again it will go to III.1. I figure this can come in handy vs having to go back to the country, then click complete league list and sift through the list.
also forgot when the thread was when you could just hit the ignore button when you don't want to hear of people so now I want, cause in BB USA there is this guy that keeps spamming threads of all of nearly the same Video Games, seriously I told him that he should make 1 thread of all the games and he gets all fired up, now we're in a dead heat fight and I'm getting mad myself
there are certain community members who spew out high volumes of cruddy posts
when I was looking at someone I dont like post I thought of something......what we give -1s? It's like forum balls but you don't like it. It's a good way to show why or why not you like the post anyways I think it's a good suggestion,.......