It happened in 3rd place rematch this year in BBL. One of the teams forfeited and I have seen forfeits before. What the hell is cancelled game? Someone will get a win, depending which team fails to show up. So it's a forfeit.
Now if a team is trying to be successful and have 5 high salary players then we all know this is not a good option
The point of this game is that everyone can play it the way they want. So if someone wants to have 5 players he can do it. There are plenty of ways to play the game. Anyone can choose their own way. Is it the best way to play. Probably not, but it's not up to us to decide it.
Are you sure 300-14 is better suited than 25-0? Actually we can not know how easy it is to tone down those lucky fans and how much extra resource creating those scrub players will take.