1. Why are you so against daytrading?
2. Why do you find it necessary to continually call people names? Putting a smiley-face after an insult doesn't mean that it isn't an insult. If you are an adult, you should stop insulting people you do not know.
Selling players is a key component of this game. There is no question about that. The market is undoubtedly global and Italians in the third division who are trying to improve their teams are at a disadvantage against Thai managers in the first division who are trying to improve their teams. That much is also obvious. The fact that all Italian third division are in roughly the same boat is a valid point, but only in a narrow view of the game itself. If team cannot improve do to cash flow inconsistencies on a global scale, ti makes it more difficult should they promote, and promotion is one of the main goals of the game.The merchandising and tv contract "fix" was an excellent idea, but personally I feel the amounts are too small to actually make a difference. Well, they were the last two seasons. With the fall of prices on the transfer list, perhaps these amounts are becoming more meaningful. To me it does not matter if the top players (and by top I do not mean highest salaried) sell for 4 million or 12 million, as long as the costs are proportionate to the money in the game. I think the BB's are doing a good job of working towards this.
Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.