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Ideal JR for SF

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From: Fresh24

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228815.38 in reply to 228815.37
Date: 11/7/2012 6:40:17 PM
Syndicalists' BC
Overall Posts Rated:
I'd put the player with better JS and OD as PF but have him defend SFs if you can.

From: RayRAY

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228815.39 in reply to 228815.38
Date: 11/8/2012 1:17:38 AM
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Second Team:
HK Training Center
OH, it is a good idea!!
But how does JS work in SF for Look inside tactic?
IS primary, JS secondary?

From: Big Dogs

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228815.40 in reply to 228815.39
Date: 11/8/2012 4:36:35 PM
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My order of importance would be like that. But you always want the SF to have good JS, since they can end up taking lots of shots.

From: LCCW
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228815.41 in reply to 228815.40
Date: 11/15/2012 4:26:43 AM
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It really depends on what type of def and how many OD the opp has.

for example opp OD 7, m2m def
if u want to shoot less and u have other position(able to create a shoot), then use a JR < 5, then ur SF will try to pass or drive than take the outside shot

on the other hand if u want to blow the SF up from the outside, use JR > 9
then when ur SF receive the ball, they will shoot first

combine with OFF tactic than focus on outside shooting like motion, Rng, princeton
then u can really blow the 3 up from the SF spot
on the other hand the opp can decrease the effect by outside def like 3-2, 131