Lost my notepad where I kept track of training for this last season, but here's what's happened the last 3 weeks:
Week 1, Jump Shot, Lv 10 Trainer, Guards
Weeks 2 & 3, One on One, lvl 10 trainer, Guards
Week 1:
20yo American SG, Proficient JS and JR
21yo American SG, Sensational JS
19yo Italian PG, Proficient JS and Inept Driving
20yo Hrvastkan SF, Respectable Handling
Week 2:
20yo American SG, Proficient Driving
23yo Italian SF who plays PG, Prominent Driving
20yo Hrvastkan SF, Respectable Driving
Week 3:
20yo American SG, Proficient Handling
21yo American SG, Prolific Driving, Prominent Handling, Tremendous JS
19yo Italian SF, Proficient JS
And I think the week before week 1 I trained in OD and had 20yo SG, Prominent OD, 21yo SG, Strong OD, and I have a feeling these two Americans wont be popping for a week or two.
But trying OD again this week.
What a week of pops for me.