Hey guys
I need a motivated manager to continue with Adriaessen
His salary is high for me and i have an other project for my team
I think his price is good and he could be at his place in BBL
What do you think?
i hate to say it, but since the TL has collapsed when BB raised salary's by 10%, the prices of all players have dropped, but in particular for C's.
most people don't want to pay more than 50k for their C, first div teams sometimes want to go for 100 to 150k C's. you'll need some luck to find a new owner for him, but i fear that you won't sell him for more than 2.7M
if you look at the C's out their, you'll see some that look like Adriaansen with a TL price of 2.5M and even they don't haven't had a bid yet.
all you can hope for is that the Belgian NT flag will help him get some extra cash, but i wouldn't expect someone to bid that kinda of cash for a C at this point. 3M might work, anything above that is very lucky. but i do hope that you'll get that cash for your player tho.
ps: LoD, i disagree with you on the JS idea. some C's are better for inside play's, others for outside tactics. example: if i play outside tactic, i'll want to have high rebounding and high ID on my C's. Shotblocking will be usefull then, but his IS lvl can be much lower, since he won't need it that much. however, if he's got JS and a bitt of JR ( like Adriaansens) then that C can take longer rang shots, creating a bad match-up for the defending C (especially if the defending C has no OD) and thus, not only could he make a longer shot, but he'll get more easely to the FT line aswell, while bringing the other C in Faul trouble...
i've probably got one 'perfect' C like you'd have em in mind, but the rest are all on the team because they got a special advantage (that includes Liessens, tho he'll most likely will be replaced next season by the 'improved' version of Liessens)