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Pomoc - Hrvatski > Pitanja i Odgovori II.

Pitanja i Odgovori II. (thread closed)

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From: Moa1

To: kavo
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167391.39 in reply to 167391.38
Date: 1/18/2011 5:05:05 PM
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jedino službeno od BB-a šta ima je ono što je bilo u novostima kad su uveli u 14. sezoni:
As announced a few seasons ago, we are finally ready to introduce two new tactics; Box-and-one & Isolation! These tactics will be available for testing in scrimmages starting this season, beginning with next Thursday’s games. Box-and-one is a defensive tactic, where four players play in the zone defense protecting the basket and the fifth player plays a man-to-man defense guarding the best offensive player on the other team. This is designed to prevent that player from getting the ball as often, as the man to man defender can overplay defensively knowing that he has a zone backup. Isolation is an offensive tactic. In an Isolation offense, the team will try to find their best offensive player and clear out an area for him to create his own shot. We are going to eventually offer both tactics with both outside and inside variants. For offense this means Isolation will attempt to clear out for the best exterior/interior player depending on which variant you choose. On defense, this means the defense will place a single man defender on the best exterior/interior player.
ništa drugo nema, pa ni po forumima. neki su počeli iznositi podatke iz tekmi u kojima su koristili te taktike ali ništa još konkretno nema radi premalo podataka.
evo što ima od podataka na forumu: inside isolation (170733.10) i outside isolation (170733.17). ako ti to išta može pomoći.

From: LA-Styx

To: kavo
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167391.40 in reply to 167391.38
Date: 1/18/2011 5:23:21 PM
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za sada nema u uputama za igru ništa službeno o tome. netko je na LA forumu nedavno spomenuo da bi se to moralo ubaciti pošto se te taktike mogu koristiti sada u svim utakmicama ali još nema odgovora.

From: kavo

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167391.41 in reply to 167391.40
Date: 1/18/2011 5:32:08 PM
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167391.42 in reply to 167391.41
Date: 1/18/2011 10:11:10 PM
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zašto nema nikakve zarade na prijateljskima?
tribalo bi uvest da se bar nešto zaradi, a da posjet ovisi o atraktivnosti protivnika
tad bi bilo i zanimljivije dogovarat prijateljsku, svi bi se trudili dogovorit sa šta jačim protivnikom...

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167391.43 in reply to 167391.42
Date: 1/18/2011 10:40:02 PM
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zar već misliš ispasti iz kupa?
P.S. vidim da ti je moj buraz rival i da igraš sljedeću tekmu protiv njega. nemoj slučajno da ga ne razvališ bar 20 razlike

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167391.44 in reply to 167391.43
Date: 1/18/2011 11:02:42 PM
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a da, iman opasnog protivnika u četvrtak za 1 kolo
aaa juraj,hehe, pustit ću mu ovu ako staviš grbeša u petorku iduću utakmicu

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167391.45 in reply to 167391.44
Date: 1/18/2011 11:19:35 PM
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ako mu pustiš ode Grbeš na tribine ;)
eh, što ti je bratska ljubav...

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167391.48 in reply to 167391.47
Date: 1/20/2011 11:10:34 PM
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a kako ovaj može plaćat ovog igrača da mi je znat :S

Last edited by Starosta (NT coach) at 1/20/2011 11:11:10 PM

This Post:
167391.49 in reply to 167391.48
Date: 1/21/2011 7:43:38 AM
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a kako ovaj može plaćat ovog igrača da mi je znat :S

Ne može, ali on to još ne zna. Igra tek od 4. mjeseca i malo je ovdje nasjeo na minu. NOOB!!! :)
