dhoff-I notice you train shot blocking which, frankly, I am trying to avoid.
Does the rest of the PF/C training slow down if shot blocking does not keep relative pace?
To be honest, I don't know. I actually haven't completely followed through with what I wrote - I started off trying to balance things, but as time has gone on, I've placed more of an emphasis on inside scoring and rebounding. This is mostly due to do with the fact that a number of teams in my league have strong outside games, so cranking up inside defense and shotblocking won't help me as much against them as cranking up my team's ability to score inside and grab boards.
I know there has been some noise in global about how shotblocking is or isn't a useful skill and how it contributes to salary. I have only skimmed the conversations, so I don't know what the consensus is (if there is one).
I also don't know the SB level affects the training speed of other skills - I doubt anyone has strong evidence one way or the other, mainly due to the fact that there are quite a few variables to control for (height, sublevels, the impact of other skills), training speeds were changed a little under a year ago, and then with the new staff system, trainer levels are now different.
(Finally, for what it's worth, I've recently transitioned somewhat from the C/PF training business to work on SFs instead.)