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BB Canada > Mentor Program

Mentor Program (thread closed)

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95941.39 in reply to 95941.37
Date: 3/29/2010 4:25:32 AM
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i just started as well. I have plenty of questions. I am playing for the long run so i don't expect any success at all right now but i do want to lay the ground work for a decent team in year 2 and 3 of my team. I just want to know, what should some of my goals be for the first year and what are a couple of real important things to make sure get done so the rebuilding will be a as quick as possible.

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95941.40 in reply to 95941.39
Date: 3/29/2010 8:27:10 AM
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Focus on training. Get a good trainer (level 4) and be sure you understand and maximize training.

While doing that focus your attention on building a stadium that will increase revenue.

If you want more help feel free to PM me, I am happy to try and help.


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95941.41 in reply to 95941.21
Date: 4/4/2010 2:26:35 AM
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This is going to be my first full season and I'm interested in looking for a mentor that i could hit some questions at.

I've already done a handful of things with my team and I'm currently at the top of my conference and hoping to stay like that.

I also intend to be a longtime player and work my way up slowly but surely so if anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it

Last edited by p1ngp0ng at 4/4/2010 2:28:34 AM

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95941.43 in reply to 95941.1
Date: 4/26/2010 10:01:36 PM
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been on BB 4 more than a season so i sound like an idiot. But i need some help with the game, im lookin 4 any1 that can help me out, plz respond.Thanks

-Bernardsville Fire

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95941.44 in reply to 95941.43
Date: 4/26/2010 10:52:07 PM
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I'm not clearly as qualified as a lot of people on here, as this is only my 4th season, but I have already progressed to div II, so I'd like to think I have a pretty good understanding of the game. If someone else wants to help you that is more qualified, that is fine by me, but if you want, you can BB-mail me with any questions that you have and I will be sure to respond as soon as possible.

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95941.45 in reply to 95941.1
Date: 6/27/2010 9:03:13 PM
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i got a question should i buy a lvl 6 trainer or buy a lvl 7 trainer? is there a difference?

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95941.46 in reply to 95941.45
Date: 6/27/2010 9:17:46 PM
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You almost certainly can't afford either.

Buy a level 4 or MAYBE 5 trainer.

From: Nostalgia

To: RiP
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95941.48 in reply to 95941.47
Date: 6/28/2010 7:25:12 AM
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LOL~, Although it's impossible, it will be interesting if he can really get a level 7 trainer. Let's to be used on bidding to get a level 7 trainer + Staff's weekly salary + D IV income = one step closer to Bankruptcy.

Last edited by Nostalgia at 6/28/2010 7:25:38 AM

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95941.49 in reply to 95941.48
Date: 6/28/2010 10:53:08 AM
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It's possible! I'm treading water in Div IV with a level 6 trainer, level 5 doc and 4 PR guy. I'm not too happy about my weekly income, mind you.
