chill mate,
its still a 5 million matter that rubio would be paying from his own pockets. if you were a young kid playing basketball. i dont think its 100% correct to pay your way to play basketball.
as much as anyone, i do believe wants to play in the nba but not all players get the ooportunity of a lifetime.
some players who are stars in europe or any other league are asked to play in the nba but got cheaper contracts look at toronto raptors small forward.
i think we all do things to make a living, some are contended to have enoug just to eat and have a place to sleep while some get to have a chance to have 5 sports cars and a beautiful wife while at the back of it has a collection of what we may say as a pron flick ready for your desires.
thats why i applaud steve nash, as much as a nba championship is set as a goal for nba teams. i mean who would remember all that after 3 generations from now. nash sign the best deal he goes home happy and his future is way more secure.
wilt 100 points never really have much impact on us compare to the airness of micheal jordan. yeah thats 100 points but what about it? could you reminiscing the moment? as much to me its just a collector card for you to see.
as for rubio staying . . . good move kid! now get yourself better in those 2 years