Ко има аспирације да у тиму има стварно доброг играча (уз услов да има тренера најмање нивоа изузетан = 6) онда је овај играч прави за будућност клуба:
Carlos Bridges (34289133)18g / 203 cm, all-time great, $ 3 828, Σsk=58!
JS=7 JR=3
OD=4 HA=6
DR=6 PA=7
IS=7 ID=6
RB=5 SB=7
- - - - -
ST=6 FT=7
Carlos Bridges was pick 1 in the season 28 draft by pennslevania pit bulls.
A није ни нешто скуп ─ једва 400к+ још мало..
Place a bid on this playerCurrent Bid:
$ 2 423 800 by bc ELA
Auction Ends:
11/7/2014 12:40:14 AM Bids History:
bc ELA bid $ 2 423 800 at 11/6/2014 10:34:16 AM.
Extreme Kings bid $ 2 376 200 at 11/6/2014 8:19:41 AM.
(Complete list of bids)
Starting price of $
38 280 set at 11/3/2014 4:04:14 AM.
Transfer Price Estimate: There have been 5 recent transfers of 18 year old power forwards with respectable inside shot and hall of famer-all-time great potential. Of these, the ones with skills most similar to Carlos Bridges have been selling for around $ 500 000 to $ 1 600 000.
Transfer List Statistics: This player has been viewed 531 times since listed and is currently bookmarked by 17 managers.
Minimum team world rank needed for player acquisition is 417972. Your current rank is 11062. Highest salary acquirable is $ 144 639.
Још се размишљам о куповини. Кад би ову моју рибу непливача {España} Lluís Riba
(33609698) негде удомио да му отворим место за тренинг..