The ad hoc reference was in regards to shelving the new game engine after all of one match. One would have thought that you had tested it on a private server somehow, or maybe had already run average scores across a number of tactics.
I don't know if that was the right move or not, but clearly not testing led to the perception that you were winging it as you went.
As for the bug posting, again, you didn't have to say that you had a fix that was unimplemented, even just a "we know this is a problem and are working on it" would have been sufficient. as it stood there was no way of knowing if you even agreed that there was a problem and that it might have been a 'feature'.
As for the revenue 2 mil was the absolute upper bound. thats based off the 40*50k number. I know that the number of actual supporters is maybe 5-10% of the 50k, so call it150k + ad revenue + revenue from parterning with hoops world etc. i dont know what some of those numbers are and while i have suggestions on increasing ad revenue, thats for another day. THe short of it is that I am renewing my supporter, but responsiveness of the staff for such a small game is critical really, especially as it is harder to get a new paying supporter than to keep one existing one happy.
I'm not sure which decisions you're referring to here. One thing we always keep in mind is that announcing future changes does involve influencing the way that the game is played, so we try hard to be cognizant of such problems and as a result, the timing with which changes are announced is dictated chiefly by fairness/gameplay considerations.
I take it you're referring to the Federations bug that you reported. We read everything that's posted in the bug forums (and several others), but try not to reply unless we actually have a fix. This bug is fixed as part of a future release, and we had planned on replying when the fix was released (since it's pretty unsatisfying to leave a reply of "we've written code that fixes this but we're not giving it to you yet".) For various reasons, that future release continues to be delayed, since it involves many changes that need to be released simultaneously. We expected to post in that thread with a resolution when the release happened.
Sadly, our gross income is so far away from $2M/year that we cannot afford to develop at the pace we would consider ideal. If you feel that as a result, you are not getting enough value, then I certainly respect that choice. If you feel that we should be choosing a different set of ads, we would welcome advice in that regard and would be happy to switch ad providers to any other provider who will be able to at least match our current rates.
The idea of giving supporters a shorter avenue to support is one I can take up with the rest of our team. We have been thinking about different ways to improve bug reporting for quite some time, but actual development work needs to happen in order for this to become possible. Our current development queue is, suffice to say, both longer than we would prefer and set to become substantially longer as we approach upcoming major releases. I do not want to promise supporters a rapid response time unless I am convinced we will be able to keep that promise. If you can find a way for us to bring in even a tenth of that $2M you mentioned on a yearly basis, I can promise we'll hire enough staff for a rapid response. :) Sadly, until then we are severely limited in the amount of development time available, and the economy and game engine have needed to be our highest priority work.