I am very disappointed from my teams performance this year. Nothing seems to go right. I have increased almost all my players in respect to their skills, I bought a trainer level 6 for better training but unfortunately instead of getting better my players tend to get worse. I dont know what I am doing wrong. Their shooting is worse now that they are better skilled. I am trying to understand what goes wrong. Could it be the other teams are so far better and have developed so much more than my team? I dont get it. The mean value of my players is roughly between 500 and 1500000. I have four players that are estimated 500000 and 1550000. I am trying to get it right switching positions to see which is the best set up. Need help.
First error I always remarked to you on many BB-Mails...
Too much, level 6 is only a way to waste your economy...
Because you play against better defenses
..but you're wrong.
and so what? many are better...
Finally you ask for it and Thecippis and JohnnyB have done it... good and important suggestions that I gave to you 2 seasons before, but anyway... you could start from nowon. Good luck
Last edited by Steve Makis™ at 9/27/2009 6:12:57 AM