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BB Schweiz > Spielbericht: Weissrussland - Schweiz 79-116

Spielbericht: Weissrussland - Schweiz 79-116

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From: Acajou

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127586.4 in reply to 127586.3
Date: 1/12/2010 8:15:45 AM
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Ach, PG passt genauso. Er war vielmehr als ein Point Forward eingesetzt. Also einer, der auch mal ein paar Assists von der SF Position verteilt.

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127586.5 in reply to 127586.4
Date: 1/12/2010 10:13:33 AM
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Hallo, Ich kann nicht gut deutsch sprechen..
so I'll speak english
I wanted to ask, how you managed to make such a giant-NT team, having just 300+ users?..

Great team, I couldn't find any weak space in your starting roster..
And thanks for not completely destroying us. I thought you will have smth near -50

and good luck, Swiss team is my favourite one among the BB-giants NT!

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127586.6 in reply to 127586.5
Date: 1/12/2010 10:34:21 AM
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Hi there,
thanks for your posting and your compliments.

Why we do have such a great roster? It's nothing but a well going organisation ;)
Our scouts are giving advices to managers of great talents from the beginning until their landing in our graveyard (a thread in our external forums, where the players are landing, when there time is over ((even if it never did come))).

But if you take a specific look to our roster, you will see, that they are weak spaces. There's no Small Forward and no Power Forward in our roster.

Anyway we're doin our best to improve weekly.

Last edited by Acajou at 1/12/2010 10:34:58 AM

This Post:
127586.7 in reply to 127586.6
Date: 1/12/2010 10:50:10 AM
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nothing especial as I see..
Just usual methods that bring the success because of hard working..

PF is not such a great problem as for me. It's just center with few more skills. But Lavrinkovich might have scored so much, because of this reason..

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127586.8 in reply to 127586.7
Date: 1/12/2010 10:54:38 AM
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PF is not such a great problem as for me. It's just center with few more skills. But Lavrinkovich might have scored so much, because of this reason..

My definition of a PF is a Center with high Jump Shot-, Outside Defense-, Handling-, and Passing-Skills. And in that definition, we don't have much choices. But Denzler and Fakler will soon be very nice players on that position.