Lets face it, this game is fantastic but some of the features are from the stone age.
* You should be able to search for posts by any specified user in any forum.
* You should be able to still rate posts in closed threads.
* You should be able to edit your own posts in closed threads.
* You should be able to sort your bbmails by sender.
* You should be able to delete multiple bbmails.
* You should be able to send the same bbmail to multiple people, without an hour of cutting and pasting.
* Everyone not just supporters should have access to the forum search function.
* You should be able to use the search function and actually find what you are looking for.
* In the Search tab you should be able to put in any part of the name of the team, user etc not just the star
* In the search tab you should be able to put in the first or second name of a player - sometimes I have forgotten one but remember the other, there is no way to find them