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Suggestions > Suggestion: 'Scrimmages' (management section)

Suggestion: 'Scrimmages' (management section)

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From: yodabig

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167870.4 in reply to 167870.3
Date: 1/2/2011 3:37:38 PM
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It is a common misconception by new players that the scrimmage means something. I often see new players post something like "well i got smashed in my league games lol but won my scrimmage by 20 and my new pg scored 17!!!".

The scrimmage is strictly an orgnaisational thing that teams use to manage training and game shape minutes. Winning and losing is of 0 importance. The two league games and the cup games early on in the season are what really matter. Seeing as you are a supporter you can also play one more meaningful game a week, in a private league. They are the best thing about being a supporter but be careful about which one you join.

Ours is utterly fantastic, we have league ladders, confrences, league MVPs, federations to discuss tactics and a very active private league message board with over 5,000 posts. I look forward to my private league games as much as my real ones. But watch out, you can easily join a private league with a bunch of boring duds with super powerful teams that will beat you by 50 every week but never say a word. Private leagues are the place to try things out and learn because you play against everyone's best roster every game. Join one! But do your research first!