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BB Global (English) > PATIENT = isolation?

PATIENT = isolation?

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From: pmfg10

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184290.5 in reply to 184290.4
Date: 5/7/2011 11:41:02 AM
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From: Densler

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184290.6 in reply to 184290.5
Date: 5/7/2011 12:20:52 PM
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An example at the center position: (35569529)

Patience can be really useful if you find big mismatches such as this one.

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184290.7 in reply to 184290.4
Date: 5/7/2011 12:47:53 PM
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184290.9 in reply to 184290.7
Date: 5/7/2011 1:58:23 PM
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I think shots taken at the end of the shotclock are basically your best player going one on one. That's because your team tries to find your best player when unable to find a good look.
The rest of the shots are also mostly taken by your best player because your players run plays to set him up.

edit: To clarify, your best players will be shooting cutting to the basket or coming off screens, which is very different from isolation, even if he ends up taking most of the shots.

Last edited by Thelonious at 5/7/2011 2:02:40 PM

"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain." - Jean-Claude Van Damme
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184290.12 in reply to 184290.9
Date: 5/7/2011 5:44:29 PM
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That's a good observation there, and probably part of the explanation.

I like to think of the Patient offense as the Buzzerbeater version of the Lakers' Triangle offense. It's not really an Iso offense (though Iso sets are easily implemented in it), but you can often see Kobe going for lots of shots and points. Still, the entire point of that offense is, in fact, a balance between Kobes huge outside threat and the length the Lakers have inside.

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184290.13 in reply to 184290.4
Date: 5/7/2011 5:55:27 PM
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And PG also. i'll find other matches with PF or C have the highest score.

From: pmfg10
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184290.14 in reply to 184290.13
Date: 5/7/2011 6:00:43 PM
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Another match for you to analyze. Kinda wished that my inside players took more shots from the outside though.
