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How's The New Guy?

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From: yodabig

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195153.4 in reply to 195153.1
Date: 8/27/2011 8:55:34 AM
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At 7'3" his IS and RE will pop up fast. I would ignore the FT and JS for now and push the primaries but perhaps at some stage he can do a little one on one for forwards to help his driving, handling and jump shot to be a little less horrible. It will keep his wages down and make him a better player in the long run and stop him capping so soon. Really his biggest problem is his potential so maybe even training his passing (will be super slow but it is so good on a big man) might be an idea.

From: yodabig

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195153.6 in reply to 195153.5
Date: 8/29/2011 11:00:06 AM
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Well I am not saying that they are right and that you are wrong but according to BB Hungary height does affect PA training quite a lot. I would like to hear if you have any proof to the opposite.

From: strilfe

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195153.8 in reply to 195153.7
Date: 8/29/2011 1:20:52 PM
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The height you trainned weren't that diferent, if we talk about 7 footers, the passing would take much more.
The taller, the slower, in terms of passing. =)

From: pmfg10

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195153.9 in reply to 195153.8
Date: 8/29/2011 1:35:34 PM
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That is false.

From: Tesse

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195153.10 in reply to 195153.6
Date: 8/29/2011 5:52:07 PM
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Second Team:
The Milk
I thought coachparrot gave no height penalty for passing.

But I'm almost finished with my thesis so I'd better focus on that instead of looking through my computer for coachparrot excell sheet.

Crunchy! If you eat fast enough
This Post:
195153.11 in reply to 195153.10
Date: 8/29/2011 6:44:20 PM
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The only skill that doesn't have a height penalty, according to the Coach Parrot, is jump shot. All the rest of the skills have height penalties. However, the penalty for handling and passing is less pronounced than the other skills.

From: Tangosz

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195153.12 in reply to 195153.10
Date: 8/29/2011 10:24:11 PM
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In Coach Parrot, the maximal penalyu in passing training speed is 30% for guys 7'2" and above (i.e., where a short trainee would get 1.0 relative passing increase, a tall guy gets 0.7)

For comparison, the penalty to jump range or outside defense for very tall players is 60% (for every 1.0 OD or JR gained by a short guy is just 0.4 for a tall guy).

From: adchester

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195153.13 in reply to 195153.12
Date: 8/30/2011 12:32:07 PM
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Hey Glu, you should start posting in the IV.36 forums! Now back on topic, I would basically agree with what everyone's said so far, but I wouldn't say that you should totally ignore ID. Our league has some very good bigs that can still be very strong against prolific ID.

This Post:
195153.14 in reply to 195153.13
Date: 9/2/2011 7:25:48 PM
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This "debate" is hilarious.

it took the same time to train my 6'3 as my 6'7 guy

The taller, the slower

That is false

coachparrot gave no height penalty for passing

In Coach Parrot, the maximal penalyu in passing training speed is 30% for guys 7'2" and above

