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From: Yuck

This Post:
195543.4 in reply to 195543.2
Date: 9/1/2011 7:37:29 PM
Cassville Yuck
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Yuckville Cass
Since you didn't have a game this week, and it was too late to schedule a scrimmage for today you should do team training. I'd suggest free throw. Training update only happens once per week, and that is tomorrow at about 6AM US Eastern time. Only the setting selected at that point is applied to your players (so switching every day, like I did when I first started), doesn't do anything.

Really good advice bud.

This Post:
195543.5 in reply to 195543.3
Date: 9/1/2011 8:14:45 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Fire away with any other questions.

The easiest way to bust the learning curve in this game is to do exactly this. And see Tangosz' team. His team is a perfect example of the right way to get out of D.5. And I bet he'd answer any questions you have...