I knw i can beat my home opponent this is the only team i think thats better then me on my side of the league... the rest are the same as mine so since im playing at home i think i should win those....... n my ENT is at 8 n he has been playing normal since the beginning of the season so his is at 5..... n GS is like this for our starters:
My team His Team
PG Strong 8k Mediocre 14k
SG Respectable 8k Mediocre 19k
SF Respectable 18k Respectable 14k
PF Strong 15k Mediocre 11k
C Strong 32k Mediocre 60k
He runs base n m2m and his ratings are inept in everything except IS ID n OS
I play the same offense defense n my ratings are Mediocre OS OD Average IS ID Mediocre RB and Inept OF