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48 minutes

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From: Kukoc

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213452.4 in reply to 213452.3
Date: 3/27/2012 4:32:57 PM
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What is your trainees stamina? Usually low stamina is the reason for those end of game substitutions. Slow tactics and 5 stamina should do the trick.

From: CrazyEye

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213452.5 in reply to 213452.1
Date: 3/27/2012 4:35:15 PM
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the engine is not really intended for the 48 minute trick, there is always a small risk that it doesn't work.

From: Dodor

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213452.6 in reply to 213452.4
Date: 3/27/2012 4:37:24 PM
Dodor Utd
A Grupa
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Dodor Inc
What is your trainees stamina? Usually low stamina is the reason for those end of game substitutions. Slow tactics and 5 stamina should do the trick.

His stamina is 6.

From: Dodor

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213452.7 in reply to 213452.5
Date: 3/27/2012 4:39:10 PM
Dodor Utd
A Grupa
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Dodor Inc
the engine is not really intended for the 48 minute trick, there is always a small risk that it doesn't work.

3 out 6 times it hasn't worked this season, that's 50%. I don't know why I set the strictly follow depth chart option anymore.

From: Tangosz

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213452.8 in reply to 213452.7
Date: 3/27/2012 5:04:30 PM
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For the past 31 training weeks I've done a large majority of single position training, trying to get guys 48+ minutes in a single game. The only reason I've had a player not get 48+ was due to injuries or foul outs. SFDC, dress 9 guys, every starter/backup/reserve slot filled. Maybe you've just been unlucky.

This Post:
213452.9 in reply to 213452.8
Date: 3/28/2012 10:09:29 AM
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This definitely doesn't look like a mistake in the lineup setup; the guy plays straight through and then is replaced by a starter. The skill differential between him and the guy who replaced him is substantial but certainly not extreme. This might just be one of those "when you get up by over 50, crap happens" substitutions that occasionally show up.

From: Dodor

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213452.10 in reply to 213452.9
Date: 3/29/2012 10:56:47 AM
Dodor Utd
A Grupa
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Second Team:
Dodor Inc
I guess you're right. Don't think a starter should replace another starter in a Strictly follow depth chart game without apparent reason. That for me is a bug.

From: BB-Marin

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213452.11 in reply to 213452.10
Date: 3/29/2012 11:30:59 AM
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Second Team:
I agree, it's a bug. I'll add the issue to the list of GE bugs that need fixing.

There is one thing that you might try: shuffle the reserve positions in such a way so they don't match the backup positions. I always do that and it seems to have helped.

This Post:
213452.12 in reply to 213452.11
Date: 3/29/2012 4:09:10 PM
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I agree, it's a bug. I'll add the issue to the list of GE bugs that need fixing.

There is one thing that you might try: shuffle the reserve positions in such a way so they don't match the backup positions. I always do that and it seems to have helped.

If it's any help, I had the same behavio(u)r demonstrated in my friendly match today, where a starter came in to replace my PG in the last two minutes:

I will have to try to remember swapping positions on the reserves, although I rarely have big enough blowouts that this situation is encountered (I don't know if I've ever seen it with a difference of less than 40 points).

This Post:
213452.13 in reply to 213452.12
Date: 4/1/2012 3:55:12 AM
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Same thing occured with my mach and there were only 8 players in the rotation and all subs were shuffled and the only one who should've got 48+ ended with 47 min and no big blowout never more than +20 pts and no ''seem like the game is...'' message ,there was an injury but not on the trainee.(45575873)

From: Sluuge

This Post:
213452.14 in reply to 213452.13
Date: 4/1/2012 8:44:06 AM
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most likely didn't make the lineups correctly.. if you only had 1 trainee that played on starter reserve and backup and 8 players, the trainee wont get 48minutes.. for 1 trainee you would have needed 9 players in your line up
