I am Mitch Anderson, an up and coming manager. I have alot of experience, and I am very intellgient when it comes to the game. I am a very smart person, and I have been able to make many great connections throughout my time on buzzerbeater. I am closely connected with the manager of the U21 team in England, and even more closely connected with a manager of one of the best teams in the NBBA. Aside from them, I have alot ofother managers who have agreed to help should I win. Although I can't immediately make a huge impact, by the end of my second season, I hope I can have improved this team somewhat, and after my second term, I will have changed the team drastically. I am also an experienced scout, and an even more experienced trainer. My good friend Ardain, by best connection, is willing to help and has trained 6 U21 players, and 2 NT players. Quickly let me give you some information of my goals:
-Get more intrest started in the Scottish Community and more awareness
-Improve the record of the team by even one win
-Start a database where managers can post the skills of their players for me to see
-Improved scouting
-More investment in the training of Scottish Draftees
-Preservation of players on teams going bot
-Get in contact with more managers training Scottish players
Now that you've seen my goals, you know where my priorities are. These aren't my only goals, but what I thought I should bring up quickly for you to see. I know this has been overwhelming, but my increased scouting, and database addition, will give us the oppurtunity to bring in more high potential players. This will give our team the best chance to win, and I know you want that. If there is anything else you want to know, please contact me.
Thank You,
Mitchell Anderson (Tha Boss)
Last edited by Tha King at 5/18/2012 8:26:32 PM