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How is the 3 point contest lineup determined?

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From: mhjr22
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221241.4 in reply to 221241.3
Date: 7/3/2012 11:31:34 PM
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there's no way it can be based only on 3 pt %. A guy who's 1/1 on the year wouldn't get picked to be in.

I wish i had some helpful tidbit to put here, but i haven't a clue how its decided haha :P.

From: Big Dogs

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221241.5 in reply to 221241.4
Date: 7/3/2012 11:39:32 PM
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The Three-Point Competition:
You can watch this “live” from the Three Point Shooting Contest page. Six top shooters will each get 25 shots, in groups of 5. Every fifth shot (depicted by a blue ball) is worth 2 points, while the other shots (orange balls) are worth 1 point. A gray ball means that the shot was missed. The two best players advance to the final round, where another 25 shots are taken with the same rules. In the case of a tie, the winner is the player with the most three point shots made during the regular season to date.
Looks like the game manual isn't much help, either.

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221241.6 in reply to 221241.5
Date: 7/3/2012 11:51:37 PM
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Going off my league leader 3's made rank, the players in the 3 pt contest are verbatim 1-5 on the list, and then one guy who's a few more spots down. It seems to be more based on number of 3's made than 3pt%, which makes more sense than going off of sheer 3pt%.

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221241.7 in reply to 221241.1
Date: 7/4/2012 5:24:19 AM
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i believe it is like that, the player get grouped after the amount of made 3 pointers where one group consist of a range of 5 3 pointers(for example 20-24 - i am not sure about the exact borders might be also 21-25). This group got sorted after the percentage, and the group with the most makes get taken first etc.

Last edited by CrazyEye at 7/4/2012 5:25:49 AM

This Post:
221241.8 in reply to 221241.7
Date: 7/4/2012 11:33:28 AM
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yeah, it's gotta have something to do with 3's made a game, because I've got a player who has played every game for me this season, but I havent let him take many 3's because I like to focus on playing inside, who is 15-34 on the year, 44%, which is 1.2 a game. he did not make the 3 point competition. on the other hand, there's this guy on another team, and this guy played his first game in this league the 2nd of june and is coming out of an injury, so he's played 6 league games. his manager has him taking from 4 to 10 three's every game, and he's 15-34 on the year, 44%, which is 2.5 a game... he was the 1st guy on the list for the 3 point contest. but I also think there's something wacky about the way its chosen, since the guy that would be in 11th place if all the others who didnt have enough games to make the list were added in was also on the list...