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Help with training

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228413.4 in reply to 228413.3
Date: 10/15/2012 3:51:32 PM
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JS for SF/PF is not recommended. JS training is slower than with JS guards, and IS doesn't train fast enough to compensate. Besides, right now you're best off doing single-position training, like OD at PG (which it seems you've been doing), PA at PG, or IS/ID at C. You don't have other trainees who would benefit from two-position training like JS or REB.

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228413.5 in reply to 228413.4
Date: 10/15/2012 4:13:52 PM
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So you guys suggest training is secondaries, because i have to do that at some point either way, but making him a PG in the long run?

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228413.6 in reply to 228413.5
Date: 10/15/2012 4:22:51 PM
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If you train secondaries, he will be able to play SF especially at the D.IV/D.V level, but yes, long-term he's probably more of a point guard for a Look Inside offense (LI) rather than a pure SF.

From: Knowledge

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228413.8 in reply to 228413.7
Date: 10/15/2012 8:52:13 PM
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Why not train JS what if he builds a team that plays outside instead of Look Inside. JS is as important as the others. I agree too much JS is a bad thing but too low is also.

From: Knowledge

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228413.10 in reply to 228413.9
Date: 10/15/2012 9:10:06 PM
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It depends on the type of player he wants to build and will befeit his team.

From: Knowledge

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228413.12 in reply to 228413.11
Date: 10/15/2012 9:21:05 PM
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That's what beneifit his team meant.

From: tough

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228413.13 in reply to 228413.12
Date: 10/15/2012 9:34:03 PM
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
don't listen to these guys...........OD is the way to go. Or Driving, but DON'T train IS. His IS is as low as it is...........and he already has horrific IS. So train eitherone of the guard skills............I'd say a coin flip between JS and Passing, up to you. OD is fine for now. Unless you want to train OD for the rest of the season that way he can be a better defender.....anyways, YOU decide what you want for your guard........we just do suggestions

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
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228413.14 in reply to 228413.13
Date: 10/15/2012 9:48:56 PM
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There is a case to be made for what tough is saying, basically that you should try to improve his strengths rather than fix his weaknesses. But I would tend to agree with Wolph that IS is a very important skill, but it is also much cheaper in salary. So by training IS, you get more skills for the same salary, giving you a more cost-efficient player. At lower levels, being cost-efficient is extremely important.

Originally I started out in a similar situation to you, but after getting hammered my first go-round at the D.IV level, I had to relegate back to D.V and rethink my training and managing strategies. I've re-built my team around the idea of cost-efficient, well-balanced players at all positions, and it's worked out pretty well for me now in my current league. It's your call though. Like I said, a case can be made either way, so there's no real wrong choice for what to train.
