Second round!
(29146533): 19yo center with great starting skill and low shot blocking, sounds perfect!
(29146365): 18yo not great potential, but he may be really helpful as a PG or SG
(29146477): 20yo he's not that good but the next generation is really bad, so he may be helpful if trained well for this season
(29146639): as above :)
(29146653): not great potential, but he has great starting skill
(29146355): 3 respectable and low SB, really interesting
(29146683): 18yo with not great starting skill, he needs lot of love and trainings
(29146669): as the previous
(29146315): see above
(29146569): very good primary skill and nice secondary
(29146634): one more 20yo with not so intriguing but if trained he may be convoked