The more possible guesses you have, the less effective your advantages would be as you have to make sure which of your guesses to follow and because of your players IQ. it´s easier to "stay there, do that", than "if scenario A, stay there, do that".
You could argue that the "slightest" of the guesses is "he´ll play 5 players", while the sharpest is "he´ll play patient vs. the sg". in between is a large variety of nuances. I -do- agree that the amount of malus should probably differ by the similarity of the systems, so if you prepare your team for motion and he plays princeton or r´n´g, that probably not that far off than if you prepared him for an look inside, but how about we simply wait for what´s coming instead of changing it already?
Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 9/21/2013 10:57:01 PM
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