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Suggestions > Unretire Players

Unretire Players

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From: capali

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284023.4 in reply to 284023.1
Date: 1/12/2017 10:07:24 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Yes, the prices are insane. The supply of players are very low. Nobody is selling their players until they are 31-32 years old. I thought about a suggestion like yours. Unretire certain number of players for each salary intervals(10 players from 20-30k salary etc.) every week(month?). This players could be genarated randomly or the players that have retired before.

This Post:
284023.5 in reply to 284023.4
Date: 1/12/2017 11:13:53 AM
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For the love gf Buzzerbeater ( and God! and the BB Gods too while i'm at it). Could you please think your suggestions through!

I'll point out what will happen if we unretire players:

For the record, here is some terminology:
A-tier players: players worthy of playing in the top nations divisions
B-tier players: players worthy of playing in II teams or as back up for the top nations teams
C-tier players: players worthy of playing in III teams or as back up for the II teams
etc etc

Let's say we unretire players: then you'll have a huge addition of B-tier players. means the prices drop for players not worthy of being in a top division team! That means it will push down the prices on the B-, C-, D- etc tier players, but not on the premium drafts! not on the premium A-tier players!

In other words, you'll be paying more salary on your team in II divisions & III divisions, but when you finally do promote, those critical A-tier type of players will remain out of your reach. you'll just end up going up and down between divisions, untill someone in the high division screws up economically. It won't change anything for the teams who's bank accounts are 10M+. It will just mean that the overall value of your team will significantly drop.

Futhermore, all those managers who are currently training players, will suddenly see the value of their players decrease dramatically! That means that they'll get cheated out of a just reward for the efforts they spent training a player. Cash that those managers can use to get better trainers, better draftees and slowely but surely rise through the ranks en route to a higher division!


the effect of unretiring players would:

*) flood the market with B & C tier players
*) kill economies in II & III, since all of a sudden, players with more salary (not necessairly better players) are available for cheap prices
*) force those who have managed their economies well to take leaps of faith, potentially crashing their economies and forcing them to start over, all for the chance to promote this or next season because of a sudden influx of more players!
*) top teams would be able to pick up cheaper back ups, hence meaning that the gap between the divisions will get bigger yet again

in other words, a horrendous idea.

When submitting an idea, please make sure that ALL of the BB users will gain from it (or atleast not feel the negative effects from it) This is a horrible idea, beucase you haven't thought through the effects it would have on your teams nor on the teams of the other people in the community. (and if you only want to make suggestions to benefit your own team and not that of the whole of BB, then you are a selfish manager who's basically trying to take a shortcut (aka cheat) his way to the top.

So for the love of god, burry this idea once and for all!

Making suggestions is all good and well. However, before making a suggestion, you should try to see if it passes these tests
1) does it benefit all of the community (or at the very least doesn't impact people in a negative way)
2) is it necessairy to tackle a current problem and can it achieve this without to many negative side effects
3) Can it be done from an IT point of view (does tax the servers to much, isn't to complex to code, ...)

I'll admit that question 3 is the hardest one to answer for most people. However, questions 1 and 2 are fairly easy to answer. If the answer is No to questions 1 and 2, then don't post the suggestion!

This Post:
284023.7 in reply to 284023.6
Date: 1/12/2017 1:57:28 PM
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if the BB's are handing them down, then i'm unaware of them.

However, if the suggestion doesn't get a yes on one of the 2 top questions, then the BB's will most likely turn the idea down. I'm just trying to put myself in the mind of the BB's. i've got a million things i'd like to see implemented in this game. Problem is, they either can't be implemented because they would require to much resources or they have some unwanted side effects that would mean that some parts of the community would be negatively impacted, and i'm not selfish enough to push my own agenda/idea's through (and quit frankly, if anyone would be able to do so, then this incredible addicting game would lose more users ...)

So yes, i'm a concerned BB manager. I'm also slightely frustrated that some idea's keep getting repeated time after time, without the guy making the suggestion carefully thinking about it's impact on the community as a whole. I'd dare say i'm pretty desperate for improvements, if only for no other reason than the fact that i want to see the trend rebuked that BB is losing users (we got more people that are quitting/cuaght cheating than new users who play the game by the book). And i love this game for it.

Maybe i shouldn't have posted the 3 questions one should ask before making a post, but i consider them to be logical things that the BB's would do. They'll put each idea through that test and to save them time, i'd rather request that the community would do it so that they can use those minutes for something else, cause they most certainly can use their time for other things ;)

This Post:
284023.8 in reply to 284023.5
Date: 1/12/2017 2:00:20 PM
Durham Wasps
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sunderland Boilermakers
2) is it necessairy to tackle a current problem and can it achieve this without to many negative side effects

I assume you've sent this to the BBs with regards to the promotion changes.

In fact you could send them this quote as well.
1) does it benefit all of the community (or at the very least doesn't impact people in a negative way)

And this one which also applies to the promotion change (and the consequent deluge of bonus money.
This is a horrible idea, beucase you haven't thought through the effects it would have on your teams nor on the teams of the other people in the community

From next season onwards, with the influx of bonus money (2 billion a year as a rough guess), most teams will be looking to spend it on a reducing stock of players. Its going to be wrecked in the opposite direction.

This Post:
284023.9 in reply to 284023.8
Date: 1/12/2017 2:22:20 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
And we'v ( 3 users) have managed to highjack a thread!

As for the promotion: it answers question 2: the tanking/money hoarding issue. BB's trying to force a more competitive environment after what they consider to be a succesfull testing period in utopia (these are my assumptions)

a more competitive environment benefits all users. and it will tackle the money hoarding problem. So it's a resounding yes on the second question.

Does it impact users negatively? 2 more teams get dropped down and get replaced by 2 other teams. means chances of demotion & promotion increase equally. Hence, i don't see that as a bad thing.

As for the promotion bonus: not sure where your 2M number is comming from. all i find in manuals is 1.5M for the top divisions. i wouldn't be surprized if it increased tho. more competition to avoid direct relegation, means more spending on players. Market will be higher next season, but once the cash changes hands, it trickles down and eventually gets distributated fairly even (if you want an example from that, i'd be happy to provide one.) Altho i'm not excluding that i might have misunderstood your last alinea

This Post:
284023.10 in reply to 284023.9
Date: 1/12/2017 2:31:39 PM
Durham Wasps
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sunderland Boilermakers
If I said 2 million, I mistyped. Its 2 billion. The promotion bonuses in each division and each country will add up to 2 billion EVERY SEASON into the economy. That's what I believe is bad for BB. (My only prerogative. I believe its neutral for my team, except in the economic regard that its harmful for me as it is for everyone.

By the way, thanks for actually trying to answer on the promotion issue. I've asked the question many times, politely I might add and not received a satisfactory response.

Last edited by Gully Foyle at 1/13/2017 9:14:19 AM

This Post:
284023.12 in reply to 284023.10
Date: 1/12/2017 5:31:43 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
If I said 2 million, I mistyped. Its 2 billion. The promotion bonuses in each division and each country will add up to 2 billion EVERY SEASON into the economy. That's what I believe is bad for BB. (My only prerogative. I believe its neutral for my team, except in the economic regard that its harmful for me as it is for everyone..

That 2 Billion is needed for the teams who go up a division so that they can buy a player to strengthen their squads to survive in the next league. It's also what the demoting teams lose in value (less merchandise/TV rights/garena income for them). So in the end, it balances eachother out. might not balance eachother out a 100%, but it's a balancing effort & one that the BB's consider to be a fair one!

you going to tell me that without that promotion cash, you would have survived in II when you promoted? and in the EBBL when you promoted the first time? don't kid yourself. For most teams, they have to go back and forth atleast twice, if not more, before they have sufficient cash to be able to strengthen their squads. you can avoid doing such a thing untill you get in II ( for some larger nations, it's III). after that, it becomes a lot harder. Teams that go up and stay up from the first time, are the exception!

I don't like adding any more cash to the game than you do. But that is a necessairy injection to guarantee that those who promote a division also have the chance to stay there!

So it's my belief that in the end, it more or less balances eachother out. If you are talking about the cash hoarded, then that is because teams decided not to play at optimum strength for a while (thus defeating the purpose & spirit that is behind this game!) But that is a discussion for another topic. If you really want to discuss that, open a topic in the global forum, send me a mail and we'll continue this conversation (i'll post a link to the topic here should u still want to do it. However, that chatter belongs in the Global forum part, not the suggestions forum part!). Or rather, just bring it up next time you are in the chat! B)

we can agree that unretiring players is a good idea ;)

we all want Joe Bronson back!

@ SherlockH: Let me remind you that posting responses such as this one are considered to be spam. It hold of no reference at all to this topic. I already know that you've had some warnings in the past, so i'll be polite here. Unless you have relevant information to post concerning this topic (Or to discuss a topic breached as to why unretiring players is good or bad, preferably with a well worked out example) then i'd request that you refrain from spamming the topic.

Now the topic was unretiring players: some points were made against unretiring players. I'd love to hear from the users why you'd consider this to be a good idea. I'm still waiting for managers to give me good arguements to prove me that unretiring players is a good idea!

This Post:
284023.14 in reply to 284023.5
Date: 1/12/2017 10:42:05 PM
Manila Bombers
Overall Posts Rated:
I hope that I can convince you that I put a lot of thought in this suggestion.

I understand the danger of too much of a price drop, and that is why I stated that some instead of all players should unretire. For an extreme case, I don't think unretiring a single player per season would affect the prices much right? I made the conditions for unretirement vague since I believe the BB's are the ones who are able to choose the best number of players to unretire to keep prices at a manageable level. Maybe some A-tier players can also be unretired.

Managing the number of unretired players will also help in maintaining the value of trained players. In this case, I would also like to include the usual suggestion that I see in the forums which is to increase the training speed. Even something like 0.1% (0,1%) per season will do since one you stop training, you will be behind a manager who trains with a faster training speed.

As one of the managers who was able to hoard assets before the inflation, I think that this idea benefits the whole of BB more than me. In general, I think suggestions do not benefit a single manager since they are applied to everyone.

Aside from this, lower prices gives more player movement. Acquiring new players give a better experience for me. I would like to see how they would perform, and it also gives me a better chance to compete.

Although recent rules (increased salary floor and boycott) are intended to promote competition, I think that it only forces some teams to be mediocre for a longer time. This makes the user experience poorer. Besides, I think users prefer it if something is given to them (better draft, increased training) rather than if something is taken from them (cheap players, income lost due to boycott). Like if the boycott rules were there since the game was created, there won't be that much reaction in the forums compared to now. This suggestion is aimed to give something to the players and with the right balance, would not negatively impact people.

To end, while I don't think that this suggestion is necessary, it would still improve the experience of the older users. It is just a little annoying that the longer I play the game, the more restricted it feels.

1) does it benefit all of the community (or at the very least doesn't impact people in a negative way)

Yes. Price reduction can be managed by limiting the number of unretired players.

is it necessairy to tackle a current problem and can it achieve this without to many negative side effects

It is not necessary, but I believe it will give a better experience for older users.

Can it be done from an IT point of view (does tax the servers to much, isn't to complex to code, ...)

I don't know.
