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Newcomer Training Advice

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From: Apex

To: Quno
This Post:
294220.4 in reply to 294220.3
Date: 5/22/2018 12:18:42 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
While not needed to have 6 trainees, I would advise it. Especially in lower divisions where wins/losses for your first few years of training really don't matter. Grab a few young guys who need 1v1 training from the TL for under 10k and train them with your other trainees after your main ones have finished for the week. They'd probably even fall under your weekly floor too. Then whenever you are done with probably ~10 weeks of 1v1, sell the trainees you won't be able to train and keep the rest. Then you aren't wasting training spots. I would also grab a lvl 4 trainer to start. Before spending a lot of money be sure to understand the economy. Understand how much each level of trainer goes for before shelling out a lot of money for one or getting one at too high weekly salary.

Last edited by Apex at 5/22/2018 12:19:12 PM

2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.
From: Alucard679

To: Apex
This Post:
294220.5 in reply to 294220.4
Date: 6/2/2018 10:28:58 AM
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This is very helpful. Thanks!