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Will gameshape change during allstar week?

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317349.4 in reply to 317349.3
Date: 12/18/2022 4:27:54 AM
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Does the allstar week even have a point ? Yes it's a nice feature but if it's making my player's GS go down, i don't see why i should be a fan of it. Wouldn't it be better to be able to organize two friendly games in the allstar week?

Last edited by kkorucan12 at 12/18/2022 4:28:34 AM

This Post:
317349.5 in reply to 317349.4
Date: 12/18/2022 5:37:42 AM
C.B. Almogavers
Overall Posts Rated:
Does the allstar week even have a point ? Yes it's a nice feature but if it's making my player's GS go down, i don't see why i should be a fan of it. Wouldn't it be better to be able to organize two friendly games in the allstar week?


From: Ratun

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317349.7 in reply to 317349.6
Date: 12/18/2022 6:21:35 AM
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also boost jerseys sales for candidates! money!

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317349.8 in reply to 317349.6
Date: 12/18/2022 6:30:09 AM
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I get your point, but if you are going to play this game, you should be thinking about GS management no matter what. It's not the allstar week that makes me go "oh right there is GS management in this game" no i think about it every week.

For your second and third reasons, i'm sure they cannot be the mandatory reasons to have this week right? You can easily come up with a solution for that. If you can't, just let us have 2 friendly games and everyone's happy.

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317349.9 in reply to 317349.8
Date: 12/18/2022 6:50:47 AM
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If GS is really of concern, there is a training for that

and though i wouldn't dare to seem aggressive rather than constructive, i have to state, sarcastically:
God forbid we end up with something to manage in this management game

Last edited by Ratun at 12/18/2022 7:04:03 AM

From: testudo
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317349.12 in reply to 317349.11
Date: 12/18/2022 10:08:00 AM
Isca Centurions
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Dartmoor Pumas
I don't really understand why you would find managing GS an issue. Two games is enough to get reasonable minutes to your best players, and if your 10th man drops to 6 GS for one week I don't think it's going to derail your season. If anything, as an active manager it's likely to benefit you as you'll have a better understanding of GS management than your opponents.

In big leagues it's difficult to make the last 16 of the cup and often requires sacrifices in the league, getting an extra game is another small reward for getting that far.

From: Khentar

This Post:
317349.13 in reply to 317349.12
Date: 12/18/2022 4:35:09 PM
C.B. Almogavers
Overall Posts Rated:
But the recommended roster size is 13, not 10.

You get horrible GS to 3 guys, and just maintain GS to the 10 rest...

From: testudo

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317349.14 in reply to 317349.13
Date: 12/18/2022 6:15:38 PM
Isca Centurions
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Dartmoor Pumas
I don't think anyone recommends a roster of 13 good players, the last few are usually scrubs.

For your own team, at minimum you are fine with 8 players in good GS. For example:

League 1:

Main PG / TraineeA
Main SG / TraineeB
Main C / Backup C

League 2:

Main PG / TraineeC
Main SG / TraineeD
Main C / Backup C

If you can maintain good GS for those 8 players, you should be fine for the week after ASW.
If you have other players on your roster you like to use but who fall in GS this week, you could play them 48m in the scrimmage next week, and they should start trending in the right direction.
