Season 65 is the season to hunt down our allies and enemies... And spotting those drastic changes. So far I'm liking the age 35 decline. Gives my old guys one more year before I tear things apart.
Just don't mess with training. As tedious as training is, that's the one part of the game I like.
I second that. I really love training. And if they'd do some drastic changes there, I'd probably quit ... training is the best part of the game. (And winning trophies because of good training^^).
I also like the 35 age decline. But that could (should!) have come sooner. And also could have been a bit later. Decline with 36 would be ok. Or 37. But 35 is way too early. Look at HT Kim. Even with that 34 y decline he's still one of the best players on the team. And DY Kang probably is quite pissed because he could get to 300 games with a later decline.
Du hast nicht genug Geld, um dieses Gebot abzugeben!