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Attendance Drop

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33548.4 in reply to 33548.3
Date: 7/30/2008 1:55:20 PM
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576576 werent supposed to read this. I thought posting in the bugs forum was just like shouting out the window!

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
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33548.5 in reply to 33548.4
Date: 7/31/2008 9:29:00 PM
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I'm with you buddy - 22-0 Bleachers at a modest $15/16.... i think the problem was that our arena construction estimates were based on season 3's boost to STH.

The fact the revisionto the way these numbers was calculated in fact went DOWN (meaning that after 2 league wins you cant seem to attract anymore supporters!!) means that unless my calculations are way off then 25,000 capacity has to be on or around the optimal size.... I saw some German teams getting 28,000 ish but the BB3 semi/final numbers summed it up for me.....

I just hope the next formula helps offset the new taxes and makes it harder for lower div teams to pull in a crowd and gives them extra incentives to promote.

How else can global attendence remain the same? If we are to get on average more attendence surely this has to be taken from elsewhere?

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33548.6 in reply to 33548.5
Date: 7/31/2008 10:01:12 PM
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there was actually someone with that much room in a arena?

28,000 ish??

holy shit!!!!