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screw level 10 PR

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From: Shoei

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38369.4 in reply to 38369.3
Date: 7/8/2008 10:21:37 AM
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even with a good PR?

then there is no use getting one! thats my point

anyways apologies for my behavior im just frustrated to see an increase of only 5k every week on my merchandise, while my seats arent filled up though i increase my expenses on PR by 2000%

you tell me it for me it doesnt justify anything, dont defend this part it truly sucks!

Last edited by Shoei at 7/8/2008 10:22:25 AM

From: vleesklak

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38369.5 in reply to 38369.4
Date: 7/8/2008 11:44:41 AM
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he cannot turn things around in just 1 week i guess

i may be wrong but i think that you will notice the difference long term instead of short term

This Post:
38369.7 in reply to 38369.6
Date: 7/8/2008 9:08:23 PM
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well who knows! if its the same or what im not just happy with whats happening thats all.

he havent filed his report to me yet so probably ill see him in my office to explain this.

then well see

From: Shoei

This Post:
38369.8 in reply to 38369.7
Date: 7/15/2008 7:46:47 AM
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can anyone explain this to me?

damn it!

todays game i just got 8k out of the possible 15k bleachers

i won my last tv game, and lost the next game away.

with level 10 PR

From: muljito

This Post:
38369.9 in reply to 38369.8
Date: 7/15/2008 8:54:18 AM
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attendance also depends on opponents team quality, check that team that you played with.

This Post:
38369.10 in reply to 38369.8
Date: 7/15/2008 9:20:45 AM
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your prices are too high for the worker class bro..if you have a team which win a lot in a row its okey..but if not,like you,your prices scares your fans..:-)

This Post:
38369.11 in reply to 38369.10
Date: 7/15/2008 9:39:29 AM
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its the bleachers man!!!

are you sure?

cant my PR guy help me out?

This Post:
38369.12 in reply to 38369.11
Date: 7/15/2008 3:50:28 PM
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I think your PR man has more influence on the higher priced seats.

the 2 lower priced are mainly influenced by win/loss and especially the previous game is very important for that!

Even if you charge a low price many fans will not come and look if you lost your last game, if you have high prices, it will be even worse.
There isn't much the PR man can do about that. Bleachers are the most sensitive to win/loss.

As far as I think PR manager is influencing things here they are:
2 higher priced seats attendance: small influence.
ticket pricings (especially for the 2 higher priced seats): very small influence
merchandising: very small influence.
season ticket holders: decent influence.

And that's about it.

as for attendance :
bleachers: hugely influenced by win/loss last game, small influence by price.
2nd lowest: big influence by win/loss last game, small influence by price
2nd highest priced: some influence by win/loss last game, big influence by pricings.
boxes: small influnce by win/loss last game, huge influence by price.
Also standings of both teams, yuor and your opponent influence the attendance, the higher you are in the division, the more spectators, all seats are influenced, but probably the higher priced are the most influenced by this.

Now this is MY view, don't take it for truth.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
38369.13 in reply to 38369.12
Date: 7/15/2008 10:17:08 PM
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the idea is great! i understand the concept,

but what i was hoping to see is a cushion for that fall in attendance, which when you have level 1 guy here probably he will be ahhh overwhelmed and dont know what to do but sweat and scratch his head

but you got a level 10 guy who knows the bloody business of how to do things and still i get measely results because my team even on top on my division struggle a bit and thats it he cant take the heat of doing something ?

This Post:
38369.14 in reply to 38369.13
Date: 7/16/2008 2:14:26 AM
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yes. I do believe the PR manager indeed cussions the fall, but just as with doctors the effect can go unnoticed.

The more attendance you have, the bigger the effect of the fall will be, and the bigger the effect the PR manager will have on it.

It is quite possible that a lvl 10 PR only pays of if you normally have an attendance of 50000, who'll say?

I also forgot 1 thing when I mentioned attendance, offcourse also the Div you are in is important for your attendance.

As someone else also mentioned, the higher division, and the bigger the numbers of expenses and income get, the less impact the wage f the PR man has on the total picture, and probably the bigger the influence of him on attendance and merchandising...

Personnaly I honestly believe that lvl 10 staff can benefit for Div I only. In Div II I'd go for a lvl 9 trainer, and lvl 7 PR guy. I will not talk about doktors, since I feel about them the way you feel about PR managers, and I still have Max Paine in my squad!
For lower Divisions I'd keep the lvl 9 trainer, and lower the PR guy by at least 1 level per division

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.