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connection error (thread closed)

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From: Labude

To: Mike
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52353.4 in reply to 52353.2
Date: 10/31/2008 5:44:30 AM
ESV Laim
Overall Posts Rated:
GM-Raamler can't connect since yesterday. He tried it also with his mobile phone.

From: Mike

This Post:
52353.6 in reply to 52353.4
Date: 10/31/2008 6:52:51 AM
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What happens when he tries to log in? What url is he using? Has he tried clearing his browser's cookies and cache?

From: Mike

This Post:
52353.8 in reply to 52353.7
Date: 10/31/2008 8:29:02 AM
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Oh, I see. It's not that you can't log in, but that you can't access the web site at all.

If this is still a problem for you when you get home, could you please run a trace route on and send me the results in a bb-mail? If you use Windows, you do this by going to the start menu, then "run", and then typing "tracert" If you use OS X or any UNIX-like system, the command is "traceroute"

From: sunman

This Post:
52353.10 in reply to 52353.9
Date: 10/31/2008 2:29:13 PM
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hello. i have the same problem! since yesterday. it looks like a hacking offense from somebody... we are in the same league..

This Post:
52353.11 in reply to 52353.10
Date: 10/31/2008 2:39:53 PM
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A hacking offense? WAT

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
From: sesch69

This Post:
52353.12 in reply to 52353.5
Date: 11/1/2008 1:23:41 AM
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I have exactly the same problem...
I hope that it isn't a "swiss problem"!
At home no connection with the site possible at the office everything is working fine!

I actually try to figure out the problem with my internet provider, we'll see....


From: Azariah

This Post:
52353.14 in reply to 52353.13
Date: 11/1/2008 12:08:44 PM
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From speaking with my ISP (in America), they think it's a Sprint problem. Specifically, Sprint is not passing through traffic for Cogent networks (

My guess is, Cogent is somewhere upstream of BB's web servers, and the people having problems have Sprint as their upstream ISP. I know that my upstream ISP at my home connection is Sprint, and I cannot connect. My upstream ISP at work is not Sprint, and I can connect.
