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Bugs, bugs, bugs > One-on-one pops training pressure

One-on-one pops training pressure

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84220.4 in reply to 84220.1
Date: 4/3/2009 7:43:00 AM
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i trained pressing single training on PG and both popped as if they received 1vs1 training in driving. especially one guy is due to pop OD this week, since he got single training last week on pressing aswell without pops.

please look into it, it doesnt make sense.

I've trained pressure for a lot of weeks in my BB career. Sometimes you do have weeks where you get no OD pops, but you do get handling and driving pops. It happens. See (78242.1) for some reference on secondary training.

So, what I'm saying is that there's nothing wrong with what you've described.

From: Milly

This Post:
84220.5 in reply to 84220.1
Date: 4/3/2009 9:11:12 AM
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Do not tell, please. The training "One on One" has been a scoop for weeks now. There has been pops allover (from 5 to 8, and even 3 pops for one player), so why complain?

Edited: This last training: 4 pops training the whole team (18 players) one on one! (And that was below normal (!), so I thought someone had made a change!)

Hoppskudd: middelmådig ↑ Langskudd: dårlig
Ytterforsvar: akseptabel Ballfølelse: god
Drivenergi : god ↑ Pasninger: akseptabel
Nærskudd: katastrofal Innerforsvar: akseptabel
Returer: akseptabel Blokkinger: middelmådig
Kondisjon: dårlig Straffekast: middelmådig

Hoppskudd: akseptabel Langskudd: middelmådig
Ytterforsvar: dårlig Ballfølelse: middelmådig ↑
Drivenergi : akseptabel Pasninger: akseptabel
Nærskudd: utmerket Innerforsvar: god
Returer: dårlig Blokkinger: svak
Kondisjon: middelmådig Straffekast: svak

Hoppskudd: akseptabel Langskudd: god
Ytterforsvar: dårlig Ballfølelse: dårlig
Drivenergi : middelmådig ↑ Pasninger: akseptabel
Nærskudd: svak Innerforsvar: akseptabel
Returer: god Blokkinger: akseptabel
Kondisjon: middelmådig Straffekast: god

Last edited by Milly at 4/3/2009 9:26:11 AM

Older than the rest ...
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84220.6 in reply to 84220.5
Date: 4/3/2009 9:15:42 AM
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Do not tell, please. The training "One on One" has been a scoop for weeks now. There has been pops allover (from 5 to 8, and even 3 pops for one player), so why complain?

Unless I'm misunderstanding you (or him), you're misunderstanding him. He's complaining that he's training pressure, but getting pops as if he's training one on one.

This Post:
84220.7 in reply to 84220.6
Date: 4/3/2009 9:19:11 AM
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Do not tell, please. The training "One on One" has been a scoop for weeks now. There has been pops allover (from 5 to 8, and even 3 pops for one player), so why complain?

Unless I'm misunderstanding you (or him), you're misunderstanding him. He's complaining that he's training pressure, but getting pops as if he's training one on one.
SI! I have not understood this right. Now I see! But I get pops in OD training One on One, and think it's OK! But now I see!

Older than the rest ...
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84220.8 in reply to 84220.4
Date: 4/3/2009 11:30:37 AM
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i can imagine that pressing trains diffrent skills, e.g. like inside defence... but i've been pretty good at predicting pops lately and would have really really expected Timo Heigel to get that OD pop, because he received single training pressing for quite some time now and usually he pops after 2 weeks. Plus my other player got the exact same pop - is there no chance, that my team received 1vs1 training instead of pressing? or is there no way that could happen?

it's not like i just started playing this game, just to point out, that it's really odd tbh.

plus, your link clearly states:

Trains OD @ 2 weeks
Trains ID @ 8+
Trains HN @ 8+
Trains DV @ 8+

That's exactly what i've experienced aswell over a long time of training Pressing with single training on PG.

Last edited by shades236 at 4/3/2009 11:32:31 AM

This Post:
84220.9 in reply to 84220.8
Date: 4/3/2009 11:42:35 AM
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You could be right, and you got the wrong training. I could be right, and you did get the correct training but without the result you hoped for, much like other similar posters in this forum.

Want to make a friendly wager? Something like the loser uses a logo of the winner's choice for a week... maybe the winner's country's flag? This assumes that this is ever resolved by a BB, which may never happen, if they decide this isn't a high enough priority to investigate.

Last edited by Mod-oeuftete at 4/3/2009 11:46:12 AM

This Post:
84220.10 in reply to 84220.9
Date: 4/3/2009 2:52:25 PM
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true true.. only shame would be, if you train 1vs1 you can train at least 4-5 and not just 2-3 like PG single training ;) therefor it would be quite painfully, if i really got the wrong training.

ah well.. since nobody else is seriously complaining, i guess i must just be damn unlucky ;)