I do agree that you should only train PG, but if I were you I'd do a couple things that people havent suggested.
- Buy another 18 year old PG to train because you'll always have room for at least 2 trainees. After this main guy has received his minutes for the week he can't get anymore, so you should be utilizing your extra minutes at that spot to train another guy.
- If you haven't done so, buy an advanced trainer.
- When training, there's something called the elastic effect. This means that when comparing similar skills (PA, HN, OD, JR for example) it will be easier to train the lowest ones and harder to train the highest ones. Because of this, I'd say do not start training OD right off the bat or if you do, only mix it in every now and then because the elastic effect will slow it down a lot.
- I'd train handling for PG because as a PG that's a very important skill which he's iffy at currently and it will also increase Driving, (which I think is the most underrated attribute in the game) very quickly. You can also mix in some JS and I would say 1 on 1 as well but you can only do that for 2 positions and Handling is very similar to that training.