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Suggestions > Auto-Bid


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From: CrazyEye

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198973.41 in reply to 198973.40
Date: 10/21/2011 5:34:23 AM
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in this case the auto bid is useless, and you should go for bidding the amount you like to py for early.

But if it isn't considered as fun to bid against a bot, there is imho no way of coexistenting of both. And as i said i think both system have there ups and downs.

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
198973.43 in reply to 198973.42
Date: 10/21/2011 10:03:17 AM
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But i dont know if i think a new bid system is needed.

i don't have a favourtie system too, so i would say stay with the old one without investing time creating the new system.

This Post:
198973.44 in reply to 198973.43
Date: 10/21/2011 10:43:16 AM
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I've already answered the point you have raised.

First, the auto-bids are the ones that are first executed, and are executed "fast". no need to wait and see how it raises.
It goes until the last bid each auto-bid can set.

Then, the online users can fight their bid-wars.
More presicely, they have the advantage to put their bid in the first one and an half minutes prior of the auto-bids "last-bid".

It gives answer to both options.

Again, there is no reason to give an advantage to those who can play it whenever they can, and by that chasing away all others that are the majority of users.
Playing whenever you can does not define you as a better BB manager.

This Post:
198973.45 in reply to 198973.44
Date: 10/21/2011 10:50:43 AM
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so you like to put always a bid, and every 30s comes a new one by the system, which never forget to bid etc? I don't like that, and i believe i am not the only one. For me that isn't a answer, for me that would be just a chicane because 30s waiting would be frustrating me.
I don't say that autobid is bad, but i really doubt that both could co exist in a funny way.

And i also think a lot of player here are still able to buy players they want ;)

This Post:
198973.46 in reply to 198973.45
Date: 10/21/2011 11:18:42 AM
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I didn't understood what you've meant...

I'll try and give an example (that I think I've already gave...).

Two users sets and auto-bid for an auction that will start at 00:00.
They will set their bids to 5K and not more than 100K (the same for both).

Let's say that each bid should be with 5K from the previous bid, just for convenient.

The auction starts.
At 00:00 the system calculates who should get the last bid between the auto-biders.
Let's say that it is user-A, and this means that the current bid is 95K.

Now the bid-war is free to all.
In case a user put it's bid before 00:01:30, then the auto-bid is over, and the auction is only against the online bidders (unless another user will put a new auto-bid).
Let's say no one had put a new bid until that time, so now it is user-B turn to put its last bid (100K).

Another suggestion that could be added to satisfy the online biders (although I think that there is no reason to do so, as the game is BB managing, as I already wrote) is to define half of the auctions to allow auto-bids and the other half not...

Again, I believe that this game is not about live auctions but about BB managing.
As such, an auto-bid system is an necessity, and in my opinion all auction should be such.

This Post:
198973.47 in reply to 198973.46
Date: 10/21/2011 11:25:14 AM
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We understood your point about 25 posts ago. Mind understanding ours?

You try to set up a completely different bidding / auctioning system, and while it is not a completely uninteresting concept, you still fail to convince even the majority in the thread. It´s a completely different approach with pros and contras. And while the new system might be interesting to some degree, it fails to be a clear "advantage" over the old one. So why bothering with such a huge change when the "new system" is only different, but not flat out better?

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
This Post:
198973.48 in reply to 198973.47
Date: 10/21/2011 11:43:12 AM
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1) As I've wrote, I didn't understood your previous message, so how could I relate to it?
And besides that, yours POV also had been written (much) more than once.

2) I will guess that the majority who uses the forum are those who have time...
So, majority here does not play a part.
Regardless to that, the results are very close - 20 against, 17 in favor (6 of them finding it less important then other things).
Moreover, as this system is unfair to those who has much less time, we cannot say how many users left the game due to that.

3) As I've wrote, setting half the auctions to allow auto-bids gives both sides an answer to their favor auction type.

4) Basically your saying -
I'm in favor of A.
Currently the auction is defined to be A, and there is no advantage of one over the other.
So let's keep with my favor auction system - A...
Doesn't sounds right or fair...

5) When setting only auto-bid system, the online user could go to bid-war from the last auto-bid.
As you said once (and I didn't agree), "it is all about wanting a player, the price is not an issue" (something not far from this), so you can continue the bid-war from that point with no pros...

Last edited by Pini פיני at 10/21/2011 11:43:54 AM

This Post:
198973.49 in reply to 198973.44
Date: 10/21/2011 12:22:03 PM
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Again, there is no reason to give an advantage to those who can play it whenever they can, and by that chasing away all others that are the majority of users.

Giving advantage to those who are willing to spend some time is IMO actually a pretty good approach. And in no way does the transfer list system chase away the majority of users. There is a good supply of most types of players at almost any given time. Either you can find a good player that has his deadline closing when you are online, or you can check for players three days in advance. You can go into bid war right away, or plan ahead for the next time you log in. Doesn't sound too hostile against the majority to me.

For the absolute top teams, or for managers that want something really special, the market is of course harder to play. I see no issue with the really top talent being difficult to find and get. I am not sure if getting the top talent would on average get easier with auto-bidding. On the other hand, I am quite sure that the be-online-or-pay-what-you-have approach at least adds one element over the just-bid-your-highest approach of auto-bidding.

Let's get back to the majority of users here. What usually helps keep them in the game is keeping things simple. In BuzzerBeater's transfer market simplicity rules. All bids are final, and you bid what you want to pay. Any change to this system would only make things more complicated. You can argue that an auto-bid system is not that difficult and you would be right saying so. But it would still be more complicated than the current system. Taking that step would require some clear improvement, which I don't believe has been demonstrated with this suggestion (or the countless identical ones before this). There are opinions and preferences, yes, but these are not very factual.

Of course, I too have "lost" very good players (some highly unique even) because I was not online when the bidding ended. Tough luck I say. And I will never know if auto-bidding would actually have won me any of those "lost" players.

This Post:
198973.50 in reply to 198973.49
Date: 10/21/2011 12:49:42 PM
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I will need to repeat my answers I've wrote here at previous messages on this thread.

1) The game is about BB managing and not about testing how much can you play it all over the clock.

2) It is chasing other users, because they have no chance to compete fairly against those who just have more time.
Again - more time does not equal more skill as a BB manager.
It doesn't matter whether they loose only one out of 10 or even more, it is just unfair and un-competetive for them.

3) It doesn't makes it more complicated for the user.
They're still can continue with the online bidding!

4) Basically you are saying one thing and the opposite as well. you are saying:
a) "Online bidding does not give too much advantage to those who can afford getting online whenever they want."
b) "I've lost a player due to that I couldn't get online when the auction started".
In case (a) is true, than why not having the auto-bid, as it will not change much?
In case you are sticking with (b), then why being unfair and competetive to those who can't get online whenever they want.

Summarizing - a potential user for this game can probably connect up to 2 hours every evening and maybe here and there.
And even this is a lot.
This gives him only 1 out of 12 of all potential players by definition.
It makes the game unfair, and one that he cannot compete.
Due to that I guess more than one had left the game.

In one line - this game is about BB managing. It is not about how much do you will to turn your life just to play the game.
