Sadly, it looks like I'll just have to do a very basic recalculation that just gives everyone 10% more attendance (for example).
This doesn't sound like a good idea. Most teams aren't affected by this bug, so if you just give everyone more money, you're rewarding teams who aren't experiencing the bug.
In fact, in your example, it's even worse for the teams with the bug since 10% of their attendance will probably work out to a smaller amount.
Maybe if you can't recalculate all the past matches, just do a recalculation for more recent matches and compare to the actual data.
The teams that show a big discrepancy between numbers can be reimbursed, and maybe even have that 10% bonus applied to past attendance numbers that can't be reliably calculated anymore, while the other teams whose recalculated values are in line with actual numbers can be left alone, since they probably didn't have the bug.
Last edited by Slug at 3/30/2020 4:39:54 PM