Do not let losses distract you at the moment.
This is the time for you to:
1) Concentrate on training regime (most important and highest priority). Eg If you are training SG, train JS, after two pops, train OD, after one pop, train DR, after one pop, train JR, after one pop, back to JS and so forth... Not necessary the best training method, but after two seasons, you should have two balanced SGs. You could sell one out, get back another young trainee, continue training and also use the profits to buy one or two players to improve your non-trainable areas, particularly inside players. Also, make funds available to make small expansions (1k or 2k) twice a season. This way you won't burn a hole to your war chest.
2) Trial and error on match tactics, to analyse how to get your team to play to its best capacity. Sometimes your team's best offensive tactic may not be the answer to beat your opponent, as you also need to study their weaknesses. Of course, to make your team to be flexible offensively and defensively is a long term program, as you need to slowly acquire your players.
3) Choose your battle, you may play Take It Easy (TIE) most of the time (against stronger teams), then play Normal against weaker teams to make ensure you get a few wins under your belt to avoid relegation and survive the series.
As I said earlier, training is the most important and as long you are committed and maintain discipline to that, cash will eventually flows in that would help to build and make your team stronger. That would be the reward to your long term commitment and patience.
Have fun!