Ok, 2 weeks before they could have a decent numbers to tell, but were 2 weeks enough? it was to you because you sold fagot the last week, but if you did sold him 3 weeks ago probably it wasnt enough, am i wrong?
As i said, i agree communication is being poor, but everyone should know by know about the changes in the wages. I'm a NT coach and i dont have 400k monsters, and looking at the new salaries of my players i dont see anything wrong.
Sure Silves and Tapia seem to have huge drops, but its probably just a few very-high end players based on the algorythm.
Dont Forget that higher the wage higher the % the salary drops.
And or 3 principles dont apply to the new wages, the way i see it.
Damena, the problem was not just that they didn't announce it, but that salaries changed in an unprecedented way. I'm sure you know Josef-Ka's salary stuff, and the changes to scale with world revenue in the past have been pretty easy to model as an exponential change which affected players
proportionately to their salary (so, higher salaries were affected more, but in a predictable way). The current change was
disproportionate, and as such, the old model of salary adjustment no longer applied. *That* is the real problem with what happened, since even knowing things would be rescaled could not have predicted it. Fortunately, it seems the BB's realized this was a bug and not their intended scaling and it's being fixed.