You could raise the prices by a dollar or two for the bleachers and lower tier if they are at or near max. But the information in Game Manual > Arena says:
"The happier your fans are, the more of each type of ticket they will buy, and fans will buy the most expensive tickets they can afford. To maximize your ticket revenue, you should play around with the prices of the tickets, as well as the number of available seats of each type. For example, if you're consistently selling out all of your bleachers, you might try expanding your arena to include more bleachers, raising the price of the bleacher tickets, or lower the price of your lower-tier seats."
What this means to me is raise them if they are full and see if they stay full. I would also expand them at the same time. If your attendance dips then lower your prices for one or both.
Last edited by Penumbra at 4/26/2017 3:51:42 PM