In season 7 I scouted all division III (USA) series counting the bot teams not allready due to relegate because of standing. I also scouted all of the Div IV series looking for good record-no championship teams. I could have made a mistake, but if not I found that no team from IV USA auto-promoted with lower than 20-2 record, so if you were sitting at 19-3 or worse and didnt win the finals, you stayed put. I am inclined to believe that we will see a decline in auto-promotion as the seasons pass. With more teams filling out the bottom of the pyramid and the more dilligent and hard-core managers rising up the pyramid, we will see less 'quitters' for lack of a better term.
For those hoping to autopromote, hope this helps. It took me hours last season, and I am not up to it this year :P