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Training Speed Analysis (thread closed)

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From: Wixix
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381.412 in reply to 381.411
Date: 3/3/2008 4:54:29 PM
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just an info: I´m going to train outside shooting for about 7 or 8 weeks, so then, I will report here to help us make out its efectivness :)

From: mansion

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381.414 in reply to 381.1
Date: 3/4/2008 4:54:37 AM
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hi , but how much should i train one thing, that it work, and raise me players

From: Huzzel

This Post:
381.415 in reply to 381.1
Date: 3/7/2008 7:16:12 AM
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I have been training 1on1 on forwards 4 weeks in a row now.

it seems that it takes
1.8 weeks on Driving
2.3 weeks on handling
5 weeks on Jump shot
5 weeks on Inside Shot

level 10 coach, all trainees 18-22

Last edited by Huzzel at 3/7/2008 7:17:05 AM

This Post:
381.416 in reply to 381.415
Date: 3/7/2008 8:09:27 AM
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I have been training 1on1 on forwards 4 weeks in a row now.

it seems that it takes
5 weeks on Jump shot
5 weeks on Inside Shot

If you've only been training it for 4 weeks, it seems rather hasty to assume JS and JR train in 5 weeks, as you can't possibly have had 2 pops on them to gauge the time between pops.

I'd be curious to see your results after at least 6 weeks...

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
This Post:
381.417 in reply to 381.416
Date: 3/7/2008 8:36:58 AM
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If you've only been training it for 4 weeks, it seems rather hasty to assume JS and JR train in 5 weeks, as you can't possibly have had 2 pops on them to gauge the time between pops.

first of all it is hasty, but I wont train 1on1 next week, so I rather decided to share my observations now.

In those 4 weeks I have had 20 times players getting 100% training.
(5 trainees got 100% all 4 weeks)

I have had 4 pops in IS and 4 pops in JS
20/4 = 5 weeks

so it might be 4..4 to get a pop or it might take 5.5 weeks to get a pop.
this calculation is not perfect but a lot better then having no results. Unless someone is going to train 1on1 on forwards for more than 5 weeks it is the best we have.

This Post:
381.419 in reply to 381.416
Date: 3/7/2008 1:09:38 PM
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a player can play 30 min on PG then 18 on SG ...he get full training, yeah right?

Last edited by manmanmanm at 3/7/2008 1:09:52 PM

This Post:
381.421 in reply to 381.420
Date: 3/7/2008 1:24:09 PM
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a player can play 30 min on PG then 18 on SG ...he get full training, yeah right?

Only if the training trains BOTH PG and SG. If it just trains PG, he will only get 30 mins worth.

yeah offcourse!=)

it is strange my PG:

Jump Shot: strong Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: strong
Driving: strong Passing: respectable

Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: average
Rebounding: pitiful Shot Blocking: awful
Stamina: mediocre Free Throw: average

have had 2 Pressure trainings and it feels like that would be enoughwhen the other skills are much higher.

then my other PG and the SG popped directly but after 3-4 weeks of trainging, but OD is thier highest skill.. think the skill slowness the higher the skill is isnt that high (the skill pop slowing i mean)

This Post:
381.422 in reply to 381.421
Date: 3/7/2008 3:17:46 PM
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I Have a shooting guard that i bought 5 weeks ago and i have trained 3 weeks on passing and 2 weeks on rebounding and he has not popped once and has been playing atleast 60 minutes each week. He is only 21 and i have a level 10 trainer. He is the only player on my roster who has not improved. Why is this.

You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, Know when to walk away and know when to run. You never count your money when youre sittin at the table. Therell be time enough for countin when the dealins done.