If you pointed at this player
(19346301), then you made huge mistake.
He was trained by my real life friend and ex B3 winner,
How could you say that is farm team for God sake? He went bot after he won B3, after all i would do the same thing as we lost our motives in this game.But, claiming that this player was made in farm is just a whining without argument.
My friend trained him well and sold him only coz he was making alot of PFs.The team who bought him made it to win B3 later, so i dont have clue whats your point?
Your are writing nonsence br, dont get me wrong, its not personal, but you dont know anything about BB...
You said that the best teams are using players who were made by worst teams?
Alright, check my team, as i am last 3 seasons B3 winner.
Chaperon, was bought 15.03.2013, while he just turned 24.I trained him since i got him until this season, means he was get training as a 32yrs old, which is not common thing in BB.I made him to be the very best SG in this game, not some farming team.
(21264023), same thing as Chaperon, was bought while he was 24, trained him until knockout phase of this seasons B3, as a matter of fact i can point you that he got ups this season as well, although he is 33yrs old.
So, i made this player, not any other team.
(21245693), was also made by me.Later i replaced him by a sliced better player
(22633661).I won B3 with Arunit too.
(23562128), was bought when he was 27 and trained until knockout phase of this seasons B3.I made him to be player like he is now, i forced some particular skills over other.
(23921389), same story as Tian, i made him to be like this so i can make defensive switches among Tian and Trevelin.
Centers i was buying from season to season, but my main part of team was players which i mentioned above.
So, dont whine without a reason, just check first all circumstances before you write anthing...
Training is the main part of this game, everyone should train players to their own desires and goals, only like this you can succeed...