A shame, if the bot replacement team I trounced gets promoted and I don't, that's strike one against BuzzerBeater.
I waited for six, seven strikes against Hattrick over three seasons before quitting in disgust, I won't hang on that long with BB.
not so sure the bot team gets promoted, since they are doing the opposite, getting the bot teams down...
as for the other remark. Do what you think is best for yourself, but I don't think talking like this will be constructive. Maybe these types of games are not ment for you. That is perfectly okay.
There is no need to try to make that clear to others who happen to enjoy the game, and adapt to the games rulings instead of the other way around.
Should you still want to contribute to improve the game, a polite and patient aproach, in which you clearly make a constructive remark might work best.
In the end all bot teams come down, so managed teams will go up. It would be very rare that a play-off team does not get up
They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.